Chapter 7

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Nix's POV

My heart was hammering loudly. It was as if a jackhammer had been placed in my chest and was viciously pounding away at concrete. It was so loud I was afraid Nan could hear it. She led me into her room and I shut the door. She plopped down on her bed.

"So, what exactly is this 7 minutes in heaven game?" I ask. "Do we just have to stay in here for 7 minutes?"

"Yeah. People would normally be making out and stuff but since you don't feel that way... I mean since making out isn't cool... I mean like it would be weird... Oh, never mind." She stared down at the ground.

It's true that I like her. Earlier today I was so close to telling her, they would have been the next words out of my mouth had Jared not come zooming into the parking lot at super speed. I guess I should go and say something, while we're here alone.

"Nan, I think you're beautiful." She looked up at me.

"What?" The way she said it was more as if she couldn't believe it, not harsh in any way.

"I said that you're beautiful. Even when you don't try you are drop dead gorgeous. Your smile lights up whole rooms. Your blush makes the sun burn brighter."

"Nick, you're just saying that--"

"No, Nan. Listen to me. Sometimes it's even painful to simply be around you, because I know it's something that I won't be able to have. Even if you did like me it wouldn't work out because you are just too good, too great, too amazing of a person that I would never in a million years be good enough. You're so much better than I am and I wouldn't deserve you-" I was stopped by her. Not her hand dismissing me or her fingers against my mouth.

But her lips to mine. I now understood why it's called 7 minutes in heaven. I was in heaven. This must be a dream, because I was standing here in Nan's bedroom kissing her. Her arms were around my neck, and mine around her waist. We both pulled away and she flushed. She can't stop being so cute can she?

"I'm sorry." She starts. "I just couldn't stand you rambling that nonsense, it seemed the best method to make you stop."

"If that's your method, just know that you'll never have to apologize." I say.

Nan smiled. "I'm just so glad you feel the same way." I was stunned.

"The same way?" I ask, after probably looking like fish from opening and closing my mouth so many times.

"Yes. I kinda might have a major crush on you."

"Well, that's good to know. Oh and uh don't call me Nick anymore please. I prefer the name Nix."

"Nix? Where does that come from?"

"Well... there aren't very many nicknames for the name Nick so that's the closest I have. I like the sound of it better. It's what everyone from where I came from called me." In a way, none of what I said is a lie. I still feel bad about saying it though, because it implicates that Nix wasn't actually my real name.

"Oh ok, Nix it is." She stopped my heart with a smile.

"So do you have any nicknames?" I asked while taking her hand in mine.

"Ah not really. Nan is kinda like Nick- there aren't really any for it."

"Well, I think Nan is a beautiful name." She smiled and hugged me.

Just then the door flies open and the four bodies of our friends tumble in.

"Aw man," Myla whines, "it's more fun when you catch them in the middle of a moment." Nan and I just laugh as we smirk at each other and follow the others back down the stairs. Apparently they haven't noticed our entwined fingers yet.

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