Chapter 17

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{picture is somewhat Nix}

Nix's POV

(Previously with Jared and Nix)

"So uh," Jared said awkwardly as he scratched the side of his neck. "Good luck?"

I nodded back, awkward as well. "You too?"

We turned in opposite directions and took off running.

The tower that I assumed Nan was being held in was way across the green yard. As I ran towards it, my heart was beating faster and faster-- not just from the running. Though it may not be the right thing to admit, I was terrified.

Terrified that I wouldn't make it in time. Terrified that it was too late to save her, that something had already happened that I couldn't undo. I made a vow to protect her, and I have failed it greatly.

I sped up to an even faster pace and felt the equivalent to flying. One foot barely touched as the other was closely following in a repetitive motion. Suddenly, the view of the castle flipped as I hit a small rock and tumbled downward to the ground.

I momentarily became distracted from the goal as sand scratched me. Sand? The ground was just grass as I had began my decent. Something strange is definately going on here.

Shakily, I stood up from the golden ground. I took a moment to suck in a large gulp of air. As I set to start running again I felt a large rumble come from what seemed like right under me. It wasn't enough to knock me over again, but it still startled me.

I shook my head out of thinking about what could have caused that and started running again. It was much more difficult now that sand was on the ground instead of the solid, compact earth and grass. Finally, I reached the tower.

No doors could be found anywhere. I looked around for some way to climb up instead. The easiest way was on the opposite side, so I quickly began my ascent. It was an arduous journey, having to find the right stones that could support me and pulling upward with all I could muster. It was a slow, monotonous, and I wasn't even halfway when another rumbling boom resounded from the earth. This was louder than the first and caused me to slip and fall back to the earth.

The air was knocked out of me and my vision grew darker for a few moments. Above me I heard a slight bang and someone cry out. A girl's voice. Nan.

I stood up and tried to climb up again, but my hands hurt from the previous attempt and I wasn't a natural climber anyways. Think, Nix, I told myself. You need to calm down and think. You can't help Nan if your head's not on straight. It was then that I heard a scream that got cut off.

"Nan? Nan are you there?" I called towards the top of the tower. Suddenly the line from the original tale came to mind. "Uh, Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair to me?" I waited slightely bouncing on the balls of feet when long blonde hair was thrown out of the window at the top of the tower and reached just within arms length upwards. I grabbed on tightly for the journey upwards.

It was quiet as I finally reached the window and climbed through. I looked around at the tower room as I stood up and brushed sand off of my legs. The hair that had just pulled me up was all laying on the ground as if the puller had simply dropped it and walked away. There were ropes dangling out a window on the opposite side of the room. There was an uncomfortable looking chair laying on its back next to the window as well. To my right was a wall lined with an assortment of Fae devises-- ones I would recognize from my life in that realm. They looked like torture devises.

I need to find Nan. Looking to my left I see a women staring at me, with her chin tilted down slightly and her hair falling to frame her face in a black mess.

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