Chapter 18

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Nan's POV

"Okay, let's do this then," Mina said. "Who's with me?"

"Me!" I cheered.

"Me!" Jared said as he morphed into a dangerous looking black dragon.

Ander looked over and blew a fireball that left a smoke trail that looked like "me."

"Let's go save Nix."

Mina and I took off running on the ground as Ander and the dragon that used to be Jared flew on either side of us.

We reached the bottom of the tower in no time. Both dragons continued flying, though their pathway was now upwards instead of forwards. I watched their flight in amazement.

"Something's not right..." I could hear Mina saying to herself. "What if something goes wrong with the rescue?" She said louder as she grabbed my shoulders.

"Mina! You're hurting me. I'm sure they'll be fi--"

"WAIT! NO, NO, NO! COME BACK DOWN HERE!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Her arms were flailing around and she started jumping. Ander noticed her first and screeched at Jared. They both looked down and finally made their descent back to us. Jared changed back to human form as he landed and ran over to Mina.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked her.

"I don't think we should rush into this. We don't know what all we could be up against. What if rushing in startles Myla and she ends up hurting Nix more than she would have originally? What if she takes him hostage? We can't let that happen, he's done so much for us." Mina was rambling, we all knew, but it got me thinking about what might happen.

What if she did hurt Nix more in accidental mishap? What if she was torturing him by holding the knife right above his neck, and then us bursting in made her jump and her grip slip? Then we very well could lose him, even if he had been safe all along.

"No!" I suddenly called out. The discussion between Mina and Jared suddenly stopped as they looked over to me.

"What?" Mina asked confused.

"We can't rush in, we need a plan of action. We can't just sit here, but we can't rush it."

Jared sighed. "Fine. So what is our plan of action then?"

"Backup." I said. "They always have backup in the movies."

"That's great, but where are we going to get backup in the middle of nowhere?" he asked.

Mina groaned loudly as she smacked her hand to her forehead. "Ever."

"Ever? That crazy chick that steals your fries at lunch?" I asked.

"The very same," Mina replied.

"You both do make a great team when it counts," Jared said as he half-smiled.

"I don't want to talk about it." she huffed.

"Okay, but if you're looking for a time that counts, that would be now!" I told them.

"Call her, Jared," Mina said. "She'll agree to anything with you."

"It's not my fault she's in love with me." He said.

"But I'm sure there's something you could do about it, mister." Mina refuted. Things were getting heated. Was this jealousy I see? But it didn't matter right now, we could deal with this later.

"Oh yeah? What do you suggest I do, precisely?" Jared challenged back.

"Whoa, whoa. hold up," I said as I shoved Jared and Mina away from each other. Who knows what could have erupted in a moment. We need them working together though, not against. "I case you've forgotten, my boyfriend is facing off against a wicked enchantress that despises him and would prefer to see him dead!"

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