Chapter 12

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Brody's POV

What's going on? All my thoughts encompass Myla.

Myla my angel, Myla my love. Myla is the only thing that matters. I must obey her and do what she wants. No if, and or buts. Why do I suddenly feel this way?

I spend the night at Myla's and am surprised that her parents never come home. Maybe they abandoned her. Poor Myla. She deserves only the best-- she's a great person really.

We first watched a movie, seeing as neither of us felt like sleeping. She offered to let me choose, but the choice should always be hers, so I politely refused the offer. She put in some movie about witches. It was an odd choice, one that I didn't particularly like and I was about to ask her to pick something different when she looked at me. The words simply died on my lips. It doesn't matter what I want, Myla gets to choose.

I wasn't that into the movie, so I just kept looking at Myla. There was something different about her. I couldn't tell what it was. I just knew she wasn't normal. She was completely engrossed in the movie and never noticed me staring at her once. I figured I should be ready to look away in case she catches me, but she never did look away.

Finally, the movie was over and we were both ready to get some sleep. The sleeping arrangement started out with me on the couch and her down the hall in her bedroom, but not even half an hour into this she came back into the living room.

"It feels weird leaving you out here by yourself," she says. "And also I'm a little lonely." She smiles sheepishly. Gosh she is so unearthly beautiful. I don't feel comfortable being on the same couch as her through the night, but then her blue eyes look huge as they stare deep into mine. What was I about to do? She smirks as she sits down on the couch.

I scoot back and pat for her to lay down next to me. She does, and I wrap my arms around her. Her soft black hair tickles my nose as she snuggles backwards into my embrace. She smells so much of clean linen and cotton freshness.

I lift my head. "Does this fix your problems?" I whisper into her ear. She turns to face me, with my arms still around her.

"It's a stepping stone." Before I have time to understand what she means she presses our mouths together. At first I don't understand. This is moving too fast. I don't want to be kissing her. I don't even like her in that way. I open my eyes and pull back. She stares at me for a moment before I feel something stirring in my chest. How could I say I didn't want her. Of course I do! She kissed me again. Now I'm excited. The wonderful Myla, the perfect Myla. She wants me back.

She actually wants me!

I don't know what I've done to deserve getting Myla as a girlfriend, but apparently I'd done it.

All of a sudden a pain shot through my head.

"Ouch," I moaned. Myla pulled back to look at me. What's wrong with me? What am I doing with Myla? We're just laying here kissing and I hardly know a thing about her. How did this happen?

"What's wrong?" Myla asks me. I look up into her beautiful eyes. Why was I hurting again?

"Nothing," I reply. "Nothing at all."

"Oh, okay that's good," she says. "And while we're talking, I was wondering if we were going on that trip that Nan and Mina had mentioned?" Trip? Oh! The mountain-meadow thing. How did she know about that? You know what, it doesn't matter.

"Did you want to go?"

She stared into my eyes and she whispered, "It would mean the world to me." I smile.

"Then yes we're going. Or at least I'll try to ask Nan if it's okay. She might say no though, since we haven't talked to her about this yet."

"I want to go, Brody. We need to go together. If you ask her, make sure she says yes." Myla's expression had gotten angry, but then she seemed to soften with a laugh that border lined fake. "Please, that is."

"Of course Myla, anything." She laid her head down and fell asleep almost instantly.

Tomorrow I'm going to have to call Nan about this vacation. Myla wants to go, therefore we must go. I can't mess this up no matter what the cost.

I want to please her. I have to please her. I must please her.

I must.

Note: I'm sorry this was a really hard chaper to make any longer with the internal conflict going on.

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