EXTRA! (Careful Teague)

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A/N: My idea on what might have happened to Teague after Mina went back to present time on the human plane. Happy New Year everyone!💕


"All right. Stay here and I'll be back with your escorts shortly." Teague stepped back and took off running.

"No wait!" Mina called after him.

He just waved at her and kept running. He spread his arms and leapt into the air, shifting into a fiery phoenix. His feathers left a trail of flames in his wake and she watched as his path lit up the sky.

It was the first time in a while that he had felt somewhat happy, what with the idea of betrothal looming over him. But it was her. This girl who seemed so simple, yet complex. This girl who had appeared mysteriously in his dreams the past few weeks. He had never cared for any of the other eleven when he met them, but just this one chance meeting of her in the Fates' woods and he was already flooded with thoughts of her.

She had lost her escorts, and Teague was determined to find them for her. He flew a zig-zag the whole way back to the palace, his eyes ever scanning for another wandering group or a carriage of any sort. He drew his eyebrows together in frustration and confusion when none were found and he was almost home. He swooped lower to the ground and slowed his flight. He had been here so many times, and yet each time the splendor of the majestic mountain lake filled him with a slight awe.

He flew low over the stone bridge to see if the guards would say anything, though he knew they never would as long as he was still the prince. The slight buzz as he passed through the glamour went unnoticed to Teague as he stared at the place he calls home. He finally changed back to his normal form just as he reached the stairs and continued to run up them and turned a quick left, the entrance only for he and his parents.

He made his way down the elegant hallways and came to an abrupt stop when he saw Captain Plaith down a ways turning the corner. He changed directions, nearly stumbling, and hurried towards the man in his distinct white armor.

"Captain Plaith!" he called when he was closer to the man.

The Captain came to a halt and turned around to face Teague. "Sir?" he asked formally.

"Have you seen mother or father? I'm in need to talk to them, and quickly." Teague said, struggling to not keep too much emotion in his voice.

"Yes, I just visited them. In fact, they were in their bed chambers."

"Very well, Captain Plaith. My thanks to you," Teague said before making another turn and heading towards the back stairs to his parents' chambers. He rushed and found himself having to avoid several collisions from his lack of care as he rounded certain corners. He burst into the bedroom and saw both of his parents sitting up in bed. "Mother, father! When is the soonest time I can send a coach into our woods? I need to fetch a lost girl that was found there!"

The Fates looked at Teague in a strange curiosity. "Teague, what is the meaning of your shenanigans? Don't you know it's time to rest? Have you so readily forgotten what shall become of you in the next few days?" The Queen scolded him.

"Of course not mother, but I must inform you of a new addition to the list of girls arriving tomorrow. She is lost in our woods and we need to find her."

"What ever is her name?" The King asked skeptically. He would not add someone to the list of girls so easily--his son needed the best Queen ruling beside him who could meet proper requirements.

Teague open his mouth to reply, then stopped. What had her name been? He realized painfully that he was too entranced in her, that he hadn't even asked her name. A careless mistake on his part, that might cost him any favor in attempting to win this discussion with the Fates.

"I haven't a clue," he finally said, defeat evident in his voice. "But this girl, she's incredible." Teague looked to his parents trying to portray his sincerity.

"You know nothing of her, how can she be incredible?" Queen Maeve asked, never completely convinced when it came to risky decisions.

"It can't hurt to give her a chance," Teague kept on. "If her intentions or she herself are ill, the first test by blood will inform us. We have nothing to fret over."

The King and Queen shared a look. "Let him give this girl a chance," King Lucian said to his wife. "It will do no harm." Sighing the Queen reluctantly agreed.

"You may fetch a coach and go collect her yourself, but you must be sure you are not late for your preparations. Things must ready before the girls' arrival tomorrow."

"Yes mother, I won't be late!" Teague dashed out of their chambers and made his way to the closest staff. He ordered them to fetch him a coach and have it ready to go as soon as possible. Making his way to his room, he forced himself to breathe and think things over. Yes, she was the girl from his dreams, but that didn't mean she would necessarily be everything he had imagined she would in said dreams.

Arriving at his room he entered and walked over to his diary. He sat down, flipping open the leather-bound book. Teague decided to write something small down, as he usually did.

The girl that's been haunting my dreams? I recently met her. She appeared on Royal grounds.

With a sigh Teague set the quill back and arose from his chair. Looking down, he gave himself a once-over before leaving his room and heading for the front of the palace.

As expected, the carriage was waiting for him when he arrived. "Onward!" Teague cheered as jumped into the seat inside.

The coach rumbled off into the adventure that awaits. As best he could, Teague described to the driver where the location he spoke to the girl was. They bounced on the unpaved paths and through sections of both woods and grass. Arriving at their destination, Teague exited from his seat and looked around excitedly.

She was no where to be found. The smile on Teague's face faultered, slipping off before he quickly replaced it. Maybe she was nearby, had just run to get something.

"We'll wait for her return," Teague said to himself out loud. Careful, Teague where your heart may lie. A familiar voice resounded in his head and he involuntarily shuddered. He struggled to put his mind on other thoughts as he stood waiting. He waited longer and still longer. He began pacing and when he finally grew tired, he sat down. Teague leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and chin on his fists. It had been a very long time, and still no sign of her here. He felt his eyes slip closed.

When they opened again, the sky had turned light and still he was waiting. Teague knew he needed to head back, but he didn't want to give up on retrieving the girl. Had she just been another dream he had, just during the day?

He did not want to feel the mockery of coming back empty handed, with no mystery girl in sight. He figured he would slightly twist what was actually happening. Not enough to lie--it was impossible for him, but enough to have hope of her arrival still.

Teague went in search of some ogres he knew, to ask them a favor. They would have liked to object, but knew better than to cross the prince.

Back at the palace, Teague changed into his proper attire and met his parents waiting in a room downstairs. There was still a little while until the arrivals, and small talk was made between the three Royals.

"So," the King said after some time, "where is this girl you had spoken of?"

Teague tried to keep his fidgeting to a minimum under his mother's questioning glare. "She could not return with me at the time, but is expected to show when the rest of the girls do."

"For your sake I hope she does," the Queen said as she and the King stood and made their way to the front steps. Teague stood and followed in silent obedience. As they stood waiting he thought over his mother's words.

"Please," he said to himself quietly as a trumpet sounded into the air announcing the arrival of the first coach, and the first girl. Looking down the road at the line of dots, some closer and some in the distance, Teague took a small, deep breath. "Please don't be just a dream."

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