Chapter 10

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Nan's POV

Myla and Brody left shortly after Mina and Jared. I'm still a little worried about Mina, though I know that she is in super great care with Jared. You can easily see through their sarcasm and jabs that they actually care about each other a lot. Myla and Brody really seem to be into each other too.

Nix is now the only one left. Our hands are still together behind our backs. I look over at him and blush, remembering our kiss from earlier.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asks me.

"You," I say as I smile sheepishly. This time he averts his from mine and makes an awkward noise in the back of his throat. "So did ya wanna do something fun?"

"And what exactly did you have in mind?" he asks as he moves his face a little closer to mine.

"Well...." I trail off as I get distracted by his lips. I can't help but stare and think that not that long ago, they were touching mine. And also that I want that again. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by him pressing his lips against mine, filling my desire.

Wait no, that doesn't fill it.

It only fuels it.

It's crazy to think that just this morning I was wishing he even showed some like in me as a friend. And now we're... well what exactly are we? I find myself hoping that we're more than friends but I don't know how he feels about that. I pull away from him.

"Is something wrong?" he asks, his voice full of concern.

"Nothing's wrong I was just... I was... well... wondering what exactly we were?" I stuttered hopelessly.

"Well if your okay with it, I would like to ask something that would answer your question as well." I nodded my head. "Will you, Nan, like to be my official girlfriend?" I bit my lip and blushed. He was just WAY to good at the whole being a sweet, genuine, romantic thing.

"I would be honored," I answered.

"Fantastic!" he said as he pecked my cheek. I don't know why this thought popped into my head, but it did and suddenly started eating away at me.

"So Nix, when you said that you had technically kissed a girl, did that mean that you had had another girlfriend? I'm just curious for some reason." His face immediately contorted into a look of pain, remembrance and perhaps-- longing?

I stiffened. What if he had. What if there were too many to count? What if he liked them better? What if he still wanted the other girl more than me, and I was just a pass of time?

"I cannot lie to you," he said through clenched teeth, as if his thoughts were causing him physical pain. "There was one other girlfriend. To be brutally honest, we were totally in love and cared so much about each other. We had grown up together you see. We planned our lives together until one day... One day a discovery within her changed our plans... ruined them. She made her decision about the new discovery and--"

He choked as tears began to fall, slow at first and then faster, harder. I put an arm around his back trying to console him. His breaths were ragged and my heart tore at seeing him like this.




A couple seconds later he sat up and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"The decision that she had made took her away from me. We were never to be together again. Shortly after that..." Another tear slid down his face, silent this time. "Shortly after that I watched her die right before me, knowing that there was nothing I could possibly do to save her."

My heart ached. I had been so selfish and stupid to think that he might be using me when his other girlfriend had been a long time close friend. One that probably had cancer or something. I am so inconsiderate sometimes.

"I--" my voice choked. "I am truly sorry to have reminded you of such a thing. I cannot fathom what it must feel like--"

"Shh," he said. "You don't have to try. I don't want pity and it worked out for the good didn't it?" He smiled a dazzling flash of white. "Because then I got to meet you. And now your my girlfriend. And please, please, please don't think for a moment that any of this is fake or that I don't love you as much as her or that having her in mind is going to alter anything I do. I've said my memorial a long time ago, I'm ready to move on."

This guy is the greatest, most awesomest guy ever. He can still push through pain and be funny, sensitive, kind and loyal.

He can somehow start again.


Whoever says Disney movies are stupid, are stupid themselves. They are the best way to cheer you up and bring some emotion into your life.

Nix and I decided to watch a couple Disney movies before going to bed. We started out with a classic, Cinderella.

Yes you heard me. My very attractive, masculine boyfriend watched Cinderella with me. Don't be jealous because he's cooler than you.

I absolutely love Cinderella and Nix said that he hadn't watched any Disney movies at all, so I wanted to change that. He seemed to enjoy the storyline of it.

The next movie he chose at random was Tangled, a Rapunzel story. This one has a great message and storyline to it as well.

As the movie began, I started to feel a strange tingling sensation on my scalp. That's odd. Oh well.

When Rapunzel let down her long hair for her 'mother' to come into the tower, I began to feel sick to my stomach. All that long golden hair. Reminds me of my own hair.

My own hair? I jumped off of the couch.

My own hair. I was turning into Rapunzel.

"What's wrong?" Nix got off the couch and crouched next to me. Apparently I had fallen into a strange crouch.

"Can't you see?" my voice sounded harsh. "Can't you see that I'm turning into her?"

"Into who?" he was not understanding at all.

"Into Rapunzel. My hair is growing out so incredibly long. Long and golden like Rapunzel." I stood up and my hair still hit the floor.

"Oh no," Nix said half to himself. "This is bad, very bad. We need to contact Mina and Jared. We need to call right NOW!"

I was still too in shock to register his shouts.

"I'm like something out of a fairytale," I mumbled. Nix grabbed me by the shoulders and shook very hard.

"Look at me, listen to me. The reason that you seem to be something out of a fairytale," he paused. "Is because you are one."

Nanix {Complete | Fan Fic}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें