Chapter 6

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Nan's POV

Nick said yes. Nick said yes! For some reason, this makes me very excited. I thought he was going to like brush me off or something but he actually said yes. A week with Nick in a meadow on a mountain. It's totally romantic. Well, it would be if we were a couple.

I didn't have anything planned after school, and I wanted to, so I sent a group text to my four friends. I was super surprised when Mina got a phone, and it was so exciting. For me anyways. I could finally text her! (But to be honest she was horrible at using a phone.)

Nan: Heyy wanna come over for dinner and a partayy tonight?

Mina: Sounds like fun totally voming

Mina: Voming

Mina: Oops no voming


Mina: I give up

Jared: Haha Mina and sure whatever

Nix: Yeah sounds like fun

Brody: Um... well... would I be allowed to bring a new friend?

Nix: Not just any friend

Brody: Nick don't...

Nan: Sure totally Brody (hehe that almost rhymes) and it starts in 30 mins

I turned off my phone and tossed it on my bed. I went downstairs and fixed up a couple of things before going back up to get myself ready. I changed clothes, touched up my make up and brushed my hair. The brush kept going and going. My hair was now past my butt in length.

I gasped dropped my brush. This can't be real. This is probably some prank. A bit of a sick prank, but still just something that's not actually happening. I'll confront the group when they get here. This is getting just too weird.


Laughter filled the room. The group had gotten here earlier, all on time. Though I haven't yet asked her about it, it looked like Mina rode with Jared here. They obviously have a thing.

Brody's new friend Myla seems very nice. She smells strongly of clean linen-- an odd perfume if you ask me. She's also a little strange and mysterious. She never said her age, or anything about her past. She either directs the questions away, says she doesn't remember or flat out says she doesn't want to remember. She must have had a bad past.

That little factoid doesn't stop Brody from staring, however. Like Nick, I'm starting to believe that he doesn't feel just friendly towards her. Oh well.

"So I think that we should play truth or dare." Brody suggests. Murmurs of agreement come from everyone.

"Who's gonna start?" I ask.

"Me! Me, me, me, me." Jared says. Nobody protests. "Okay so Nix," he coughs "Nick. Truth or Dare?"

Nick thinks for a moment before replying. "Truth."

Jared sighs. "Fine. Um... Have you ever kissed a girl before?"

"I.. Um..." Nick turns a super dark pink of a blush and coughs awkwardly. "Technically... I... uh... technically, yes?"

"Well give us the details man!" Brody says. Nick's eyes flick over to Mina so briefly that I wonder if it even happened. Oh yes it did happen because now Mina is blushing too.

"Um Mina I know that look. What happened?" I say.

"What? Nothing happened. If Nick doesn't want to tell you really shouldn't pressure him though." After Mina's comment Jared looked concerned now too.

"Something you're trying to hide?" I hear him ask. Then he leans in, whispers something into her ear and she blushes more profusely.

"You know what?" I say. "I don't even want to know anymore. If Nick and Mina have a secret fling I think they would be nice enough people to come out on their own."


Myla laughs. "Well it's not a secret anymore, hon."

"There is nothing between Mina and I! Can we please move on now!" Nick half shouts.

"Fine," Jared huffs.

"THANK YOU. Soo Myla, truth or dare?" Nick asks.

"Um," Myla contemplated, "truth."

"Hmm okay so... and I don't care if this is lame but Myla, do you have a crush on anybody?" says Nick, "Oh yeah and if yes you have to say who it is."

Myla averted her eyes and turned her FCA towards the ground. When she picked her head up her hand was covering her face, and she peeked through her fingers at us to answer. "Okay, so um... yes I do have a crush."

"And...?" I prodded.

"And his name is.... Brody." Myla flinched away from Brody as if he was going to get mad and hit her or something. Instead he just opened his mouth slightly in surprise. A second later he closed it and put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"It's okay Myla." Brody smiled. "The feeling is mutual."

"Awww!" I squealed. "That's stinking adorable!"

"So anyways," Myla says, "Nan. You know the question."

"Yes I do! And just to change it up, I pick dare." Myla smirks evilly. Oh no. This cannot be good.

"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with... Nick."

My hands start to shake slightly as Nick and I both get up. I walk upstairs, since we've been in the living room, and Nick follows behind. We turn from the hall into my bedroom and Nick closes the door behind him.

Don't freak out, Nan. Don't freak out.

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