CH 3: Next Morning

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        The next morning when Bill woke up he sat up looking around Dipper's living room. A noise was coming from his stomach. He poked at his stomach trying to figure out why it was making noise. "It did that last night before I ate so I'm probably hungry again," Bill though.But he had no idea how to make sandwiches or any type of food for that matter. He was wondering if he should go and wake Dipper up when Dipper walked out in to the living room."Morning Bill" Dipper said yawning a little. "Hungary?" "Yes!" Bill answered. "Ok then I'll go make us some breakfast," Dipper said walking in to the kitchen with Bill fallowing him in, "What's a breakfast, is it like a sandwich?" Bill asked. Dipper laughed, "No Bill breakfast is a meal you eat in the morning or when you get up. There are other meals in the day to like lunch in the after noon and dinner at night. You can eat different types of food at each meal." Dipper explained as he started to make some coffee for himself. He decided to make something simple and just poured both men a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice for Bill. Bill watched dipper eat his cereal before doing the same. 

        After breakfast Dipper put there dishes in the sink before putting Bill's clothes in the dryer and starting it up. All with Bill fallowing him and asking questions about each task. "Ok so when the dryer makes a buzzing slash beeping noise it means the cloths should be dry. Then you can take them out and put them back on,"Dipper told him. "So what do I do until then?" Bill asked.Dipper didn't know what to have Bill do, maybe he could watch tv or something. Dipper turned on the tv and told Bill how to work the channel up and down and the volume buttons on the remote. Once Bill was all set up Dipper went to his study to try and wright in his new book. He was having major writer's block witch was why he had go into the forest yesterday, but the rain cut his visit short and with it raining again today so he was not going to go anywhere today ether.After a couple of hours he finally gave up and went to check on Bill who was not where he had left him. "Crap," Dipper said as he began to look for Bill only to find him by the washer and dryer struggling with the buttons on his shirt. He rolled his eyes and went to go help him. "He's like a little kid, needing help getting dressed and acting so curious." Dipper thought. "Thanks," Bill said with a smile on his face and pulling his yellow vest over his head. 

        The rest of the day was spent with the two talking, mostly Bill asking questions about various thing and Dipper explaining them to him. "So how long have we known each other?" Bill asked.the two were currently finishing up dinner when the topic came up. Dipper just stared at Bill  ,"Well I guess for a wile now. We met when I was 12 but we haven't seen each other since then. That was why I was so surprised to see you." Dipper said, "And also because your supposed to be dead," he thought to him self. "Oh so we weren't really friends then were we?" Bill said looking down. "But we can change that. We can be friends now!" Bill added looking up with a big grin. "Sure we can," Dipper said smiling back at him.

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