CH 4: The outing

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        A couple weeks had passed and Bill was beginning to get the hang of things around the house, although he still had questions for Dipper from time to time. Bill was also acting more like his old self as well, trying to scare Dipper and even purposely trying to annoy him.One time when dipper refused to give Bill coffee he would repeatedly poured salt in Dipper's coffee, and each time he made a new cup Bill would just pour more in to that one until Dipper finally agreed to let him have a cup. Big mistake. Bill was extremely hyper for about 3 hours after, running and climbing in and around the house talking about a mile a minuet. Dipper decided to never let him have coffee ever again. Bill had also begun to call Dipper pine tree after seeing his old hat and other items with a similar tree on them that Dipper owned. All and all things weren't to bad. 

        Dipper groaned swiping his hand across his desk effectively knocking most of the stuff on it to the floor and then planting his head on the desk. His writer's block had yet to evade him and it was getting on his nerves. Maybe he should go back out to find some more inspiration in the forest, or at least get out of the house for a bit. "Hey Bill!" Dipper hollered. "Yea Pine tree?" Bill yelled back from the living room where he was reading. He had gained a real interest in books as of late. "I'm going out for a bit, do you wanna come?" Dipper asked as he walked in. Bill's face lit up with excitement, "YES!" he said almost to excitedly. Dipper chuckled to himself seeing Bill act that way, for some reason seeing the demon happy like that gave him this warm feeling, but he just brushed it aside for now. "Ok then get your shoes on and lets go." Along the way Bill pointed out lots of things to Dipper and asked more questions about them. He was acting like a small child exploring a new place they had never been before, and Dipper had to admit it was kinda cute. "Oh oh Pine tree look at this," Bill said running to Dipper with a dead bird in his grasp. Ok maybe not all the time. "Eew Bill put that back that's disgusting," he yelled, "of course he would find that interesting" Dipper thought. Bill just shrugged his shoulders and turned back to what he was doing before. Dipper watched as he went back to what ever it was he was doing before spotting a group of trees that seemed to get Dipper's attention. They looked cool the way they seemed to have grown twisting around each other. It was weird he should have see them before but I guess that's what happens when your looking for mysterious creatures instead of just looking at the nature around you. 

        Dipper began to quickly sketch the trees in the journal he had brought with him, in case he needed it, just enjoying the peace and quiet. Wait quiet, that wasn't right. Dipper closed the journal and looked around noticing the demon was no where to be seen."Shit where did he go?" Dipper thought looking around for him.When he did find Bill he ran up to him, "Don't run off like that again! You don't know your way around hear like I do! I don't need you getting lost out here or worse." "But I didn't run off, you did." Bill said. Dipper just looked at him. "I went and put the bird back and when I looked up you were gone." Dipper wanted to yell at the demon, but he was right Dipper had left he had just assumed that Bill was following him. "Oh well then I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just worried something had happened to you."Dipper couldn't help but see the blush that appeared on Bill's face after he said that. "Why is he blushing?" Dipper thought. Dipper looked at his watch, it was getting late they should probably head back now. "Come on it's getting late." Dipper said grabbing Bill's hand and leading them back to the house. "This was lots of fun, we should do stuff like this together again some time." Bill said his voice trailing off at the end. "Yea we should." Dipper added. When they got back Dipper noticed Bill's blush had darkened."Bill are you ok?" He put his hand on Bill's forehead and his own to compare them, " your not getting sick are you?" "What's that, is it bad?" Bill asked almost sounding scared. "No not usually but, I don't think your sick any way. It may have just been from running around outside so your fine." Dipper said taking his hand from Bill's head. "I'll go make us some food you can come in when ever you want." "Was I just worrying about Bill? What is wrong with me? I'm supposed to be looking for his weaknesses to destroy him and yet hear I am worrying over him twice today."Dipper thought to himself, but to be honest he wasn't so sure he wanted to destroy him any more. "And what was with all his blushing too?"

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