Car Trouble

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Credit : we were meant to be but twist of fate on tumblr

“Are you sure they liked me?” Louis said worriedly as we cruised down the road in the fading sunlight.

I smiled over at him. “You were great, babe. The perfect gentleman. They loved you!” I leaned over from the passenger side and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

He smiled at my reassurance, but kept his eyes on the road, his brows narrowed slightly in concern. “Sure, I was okay. But good enough for their only daughter?”

“Louis, look at me.” I waited until he glanced over, so he could see the sincerity in my eyes. “They just want me to be happy. And when I’m with you, I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”

He seemed more assured at that, and we drove in silence for a while. Then: “Happier than when you were in that punk phase?” He smirked.

I smacked his leg, though I was grinning. “We agreed not to talk about that part of my life!” I said exasperatedly.

Louis laughed gleefully, back to his normal, crazy self. “Should have thought of that in high school, Y/n!”

I crossed my arms, trying to remain angry. “Fuck you, Louis.”

Ha, fuck him. That, actually, would be a good idea. Louis had been so stressed about meeting my parents that he’d lost his libido in the last two days. It was cute that he was so worried about impressing them, but…two whole days without him inside me. We hadn’t gone that long since before we were dating.

And now he’d be back to normal, I realized, now that the stressor was gone. And this very moment, there was nothing he could do about it.

I moaned.

Louis glanced at me quickly. “You all right, love?”

I didn’t answer. I moaned again, throwing my head back against the headrest. I slid my knees apart, making my skirt slide higher, exposing more and more of my leg.

Louis was still confused, glancing between me and the road. “Y/n? Did you eat something strange?”

I turned to look at him and slowly slid a finger into my mouth.

Comprehension dawned on his face, followed by a brief look of desire mixed with panic. “Fuck, Y/n. Not here!”

I knew exactly what I was doing. The drive between our flat in Doncaster to my parents’ was a long one, and we weren’t even halfway there. If Louis was going to torment me about my embarrassing high school years, I would torment him back.

Moaning again, I spread my legs wider and slid my other hand beneath my skirt. Louis stiffened beside me, keeping his gaze determinedly on the road in front of him. I could see a vein pounding in his temple, even in the dusky light.

“Louis…” I whispered, now reaching a hand over the gear shift towards his legs. My palm rested on the erection I could feel hardening in his skinny jeans. He ripped my hand away, now leaning forward until his back was hunched away from the seat, his eyes still on the road.

He was weakening. I could feel it. I loved this. I lowered my seat back until I was almost horizontal, returning my hand to my mouth to suck on my finger. I kept the other hand beneath my skirt and moaned louder, squirming slightly beneath my seat belt.

Louis braked, hard, veering to the right. I started and looked up, out the window, afraid we had only just avoided a collision. There was nobody around. Night was falling through the countryside. Louis had pulled off onto an unpaved road.

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