Curves (dirty)

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Credit goes to owner.

I was sat inside a shopping centre just looking in to the TopShop window wishing I could fit into them sort of clothes when one of the girls that worked in there comes out and looks at me “is everything ok?” She ask me. She was so beautiful, long blonde hair, baby blue eyes, tiny figure “you are so slim and pretty” she giggles at me “you are pretty to” amazing how she avoid the ‘slim’ part out. “Yeah thanks” I walk away from her and into a more normal shop trying to find something to wear tonight. Me and Louis was having dinner with his family and friends, it’s going to be the first time meeting them apart from his mum and I was nervous because I’m not your typical pretty slim girl. I have added on about 2 stone since me and Louis started dating which was over two years ago, I just kept eating to hide my feeling because everyone used to comment on my weight. Being a girlfriend to a pop star wasn’t all rainbows and flowers, oh how I wished it was.

I managed to find a dress and some of those underwear and that help suck in your fat so hopefully I look half decent for tonight. I got my hair and make up done professional which went well because the women done it perfect and I felt half good about myself. I slipped on my underwear and a red sequin down to the floor dress, I guess the good thing about having curves was having an amazing pair of boobs.

I make my way downstairs and Louis is in a suit pacing up and down waiting for me, I cough and gets his attention “wow, you look amazing” he takes my hand and places a kiss on it “you look amazing to” I smile at him “let’s go then” Louis grabs the car keys and out the door we leave.

When we reach the restaurant there are paparazzi everywhere and Louis grabs on to my hand and starts walking towards the restaurant door but I pull away and pretend to scratch my face and place my hand on the crease of arm and look at the floor, I much prefer people to think me and Louis are friends rather then a couple. We enter the restaurant “what the fuck was that about?” Louis snaps at me before people start coming over to us, so I ignore his comment.

I’m talking to his mates girlfriends while Louis talks to his mates, they are all soblahthey have no personality just manly looks and it’s boring then I over hear his mate “who invited the beach whale?” I instantly feel sick knowing I’m the one his talking about and Louis grabs my hand “Carl, this is my girlfriend Y/N” I put on a fake smile and kiss his cheek “excuse me while I go the ladies room” I quickly walk away to go to ladies room shutting the door and trying my hardest not to cry, I take a few deep breaths and go back out when everyone is making there way to the table.

I take my seat next to Louis “I thought that was really rude what you done with Carl” I look at him in shock “me?” The waiter comes to take our order “I’ll have steak and chips and she will have” Louis was about to order for me like always “salad and prawns please, no dressing” Louis frowns his eyebrows at me “salad?” He questions and I nod my head “problem with that?” He shakes his head “eat whatever the fuck you like” just what I needed right now another bickering session with Louis while everyone is around us.

After dinner I ordered a slice of cake and when it arrived I noticed none of the other girls ordered anything “Louis, would you like my cake?” He shakes his head “why are you not eating it?” It feels like everyone eyes are on me “I have to go to the bathroom” I quickly push my chair back and rush to the bathroom.

I get damp tissue and dab it over my chest and face hopefully not taking my make up of when I hear a knock on the bathroom door “one second” you think a restaurant this big and nice it would have more bathrooms “it’s Louis, open the door” I open the door to find Louis standing there with the cake, he makes his way in and shuts the door “why didn’t you stand up for me when Carl insulted me?” I say looking at the ground. Louis places the cake on the side “grow up for fuck sake Y/N, he wasn’t talking about you. You are so paranoid that everyone is talking about you. Not everything is about you all the damn time. But fuck me you look hot in that dress” I don’t have time to react before his kissing me and lifting my dress above my bum “Louis please, we are gonna get caught” I pant enjoying the feel of his touch “I better make this quick then” he tries to pull down my underwear when he notices I have my tummy tucking underwear on “what the hell is this?” He laughs trying to find where it begins. I cover my face embarrassed “here we go” he manages to get them down with some force and places me on the sink side “don’t ever wear those again” I nod my head.

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