Sorry for make you feel Insecure

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Credit goes to the owner.

 You and Louis had an off day while he was on tour, so you two decided to go do some sightseeing. It was very hot out where you were, so you decide on some shorts, t-shirt, and you just threw your hair up in a bun. You walked out of the bathroom and Louis looked up at you. “You’re wearing that?” He asks. “Umm.. yeah why?” You ask. “Oh, um I was just wondering because usually you dress nicer than that.” He says. You just looked at him completely shocked at what he said. “I can change.” You say. “Okay. I’ll wait.” He says. You just went over to your suitcase and picked out some dressier shorts and a nice blouse. You couldn’t believe that he had said that. You thought you looked fine, but according to your boyfriend you didn’t look good enough to just go walk around a city. When you changed and put your hair in a nice braid, you walked out and Louis smiled taking your hand.

Throughout the day, you just couldn’t let go about what he said to you earlier. Liam has always said that you look beautiful in anything, so why didn’t he like what you wearing.  You weren’t saying much as you both walked around looking at the different things. You then went into a nice little shop and you looked around at different clothing that they had there. “This is cute.” You smile and pick up nice unique shirt that they had. “I don’t like it. It looks like someone threw up a bunch of different colors and it landed on that shirt.” He laughs. You sigh and put it back on the rack. It was basically like that the whole day. Anytime you found something different or unique, Louis didn’t like it. Finally, you were just ready to call it a day and you both went back to the hotel. When you get there, you go and sit out in on the balcony. You hear someone talking in the room, but you figure it was just Louis watching TV or something. That is until you hear your name. You open the door a bit, and listen. “Yeah, we had fun today, but she didn’t buy anything.  I don’t know just everything she picked out was horrible. I can’t believe she even considered wearing some of the stuff she picked out.  I don’t know man; she’s started to dress different and sometimes I wonder if she even thinks about what she’s wearing. I like her to look nice and done up, not like you just rolled out of bed or like the goodwill or something.” He says. You gasp and look down. Is that really how he saw you? Sure you didn’t dress up all the time, but you didn’t think that your clothes looked that bad. You sighed and went back into the room and grab your suitcase and look through you clothes. You take out any t-shirts and jeans and throw them out. “What are you doing?” Louis asks when he walks out of the bathroom. “Oh, nothing just getting rid of all the crap clothes that my boyfriend finds me in ugly in.” You say. “Don’t’ worry Louis, after I get rid of this crap, I’m going out and buy all dressy clothes and you don’t ever have to see me in this stupid crap again!” You say before grabbing your purse and going shopping. 

He just stood there looking at the door that you just walked out of. He was so confused as to why you were acting that way. He then replayed the events of that day and the conversation he just had on the phone. He groans to himself and runs his hand over his face. “Shit.” He mumbles. He then calls the guys to come to the room and tells them what happened.“Wow.” Liam says. “I can’t believe you told her that you didn’t like her clothes.” He says. “I mean it’s not like she dresses horribly.” “I know, it’s just, I like her in anything I do, but I just. I don’t know. “ He groans. “Well, it doesn’t matter why you said it, I guess, but you do have to make it right.” Zayn says. “How do I do that?” Louis sighs. “Not sure, but we’ll help you out mate.” Harry says.

Even though your intention was to go shopping, you just couldn’t do it. You still couldn’t process that your boyfriend didn’t like your clothes. Usually, it didn’t bother if someone didn’t like your style of clothing because it was YOUR style and you loved it. You liked wearing the unique things in random boutiques or dressing up on occasion. You also just liked wearing some jeans, a t-shirt, and converse. Your style had variety and you liked that. Your style was basically however you felt that day, but Louis was your boyfriend and his opinion mattered. After about a half an hour of trying to calm yourself down, you decide that you are going to go to some stores and look around. Right before you walk in, your phone rings and you see that it’s Louis. You sigh and debate on answering it. “Hello?” You sigh answering the phone. “Y/N, love, I’m really sorry about earlier and what I said can you please come back to the hotel?” He asks. “Why should I?” You sigh. “Because I love you and I want to make it up to you.” He says. “Please, love.” He whispers. You sigh. “Fine, I’ll be there in a bit.” You say.

It takes you about 15 minutes to get to the hotel, you walk in and up to the room. When you walk in, at first you don’t see anyone in the room. You sigh and sit on the bed. You grab your phone to call Louis, when he walks in the room.  He walks right over to you. “Babe, I’m so sorry about before.” He says. “I didn’t mean what I said. I don’t even know why I said it, really. I guess I just, I was always used to you dressing one way and now it’s starting to change a bit. “ He admits. “I just I want you to know that you’re beautiful in anything and I’m not just saying that because I want you to forgive me. I really do mean this.” He whispers. “And I bought you a few things.”He says taking out everything that you saw that day and more. “I saw the way your eyes lit up when you saw these things, I didn’t mean to make fun of them or you.”He says. “I also bought you this.” He smiles and hands you your favorite candy. You laugh and smile at him. “Wow.” You say. “You didn’t need to do all of this.” You whisper. “I needed to make this right.” He whispers. “This was the only way I knew how.” You smile and lean up to kiss him.“So, you don’t think I wear ugly clothes?”You whisper. “Or that I look bad in them?”He pulls you in his lap and holds you close to him. “No, you don’t wear ugly clothes and you look amazing in them.” He smiles.“I really don’t know why I said those things, I guess I was just trying to be funny and I didn’t think you would take it seriously.” He says. You nod and cuddle into him. “I understand. “ You whisper. “And you’re forgiven.” You smile up at him. He smiles and kisses you quickly. “So, how about a little fashion show of all your new clothes.”He smiles. You giggle and nod. You take the bags and go into the bathroom to change. As you are going through the bags, you see down at the very bottom is some lingerie  “Louis!” You shout. “What?”He asks innocently. “What is this thing at the bottom?” You say. “Oh, that, that should be the first thing you try on!” He smirks.“Please! I bet it will look amazing on you!”He giggles. You laugh and roll your eyes. “You’re lucky I love you.” You say and try it on before going out and giving him his show. 


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