Just like Daddy

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Credit goes to owner.

“Mummy I’m not tired!” I hear a high pitch voice coming towards me as I see my two year old son wobble to my direction on the couch.

“What do you mean you’re not tired?” I coo as I bring him onto my lap and poke him in his stomach, making him giggle. He looked exactly like his father when he laughs. The way his bright blue eyes scrunch up and the light dimples on his cheeks, and his exact smile looked exactly like Louis. Caleb was a complete clone of him. As I looked, I could find no resemblance of me in him, not that I was complaining. I’m glad that Caleb got all of his fathers perfect traits.

“Don’t wanna shweep, mumma.” I grinned at the adorable way he said sleep.

“No nap for Caleb then?”

“No nap!” He screeches and starts bouncing on my legs. He even had Louis’ energy. “I wanna pway!”

“You wanna play?” I grin. I know there’s no way he’s gonna go down for a nap, so I don’t bother to try. I know we’re gonna pay for it later though, when he gets all cranky.

“I wanna pway!” He repeats, a lot louder, excitement on his face. “Pway wid mummy and dadda!”

“Daddy’s not home yet, sweetpea.”

“Where dadda?”

“He’s at work.”

“Dadda shing!” He jumps.

“Yes daddy sings.” I smile.

Caleb loves the fact that Louis sings for a living. He says that ‘daddy sings’ every opportunity he gets. He will only go to bed if Louis sings him to sleep, and he says he wants to grow up to sing just like his dad. It’s really the most amazing thing, and it certainly makes Louis happy.

“Do you sing like daddy?” I grin. I say this to make him smile.

“I shing like dadda!”

“Yeah?” I say as I bring my fingers up to his stomach, starting to tickle him.

He jolts and starts to squirm around and laugh. Caleb’s laughter is like beautiful music to my ears.

“Mummy! Mummy stop!” He screams in between laughs.

I stop tickling him momentarily to bring his tiny body up to my face and give his pudgy tummy multiple kisses, further making him giggle. He is incredibly ticklish on his tummy, so even this makes him squirm and laugh. I was so busy taking in his laughter that I didn’t even notice the door open.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” He shouts and points by the door, bouncing on my lap and trying to squirm out of my grasp.

I turn my head to see Louis standing in the doorway with a wide smile on his face. I could tell he had been watching us. I stand up and let go of Caleb and let him run to his father.

“There’s my little man!” Louis says to Caleb excitedly as our son jumped into his arms.

“Hi daddy!”

“Oomf your getting heavier everyday. You gotta stop growing, bud!” He says as he scrunches Caleb’s nose between his fingertips, making his face scrunch up. Caleb giggles and wraps his arms around Louis’ neck, burying his face on his shoulder blade.

Louis walks over to me and gives me a quick peck on my lips, making me smile.

“Hey baby.” He smiles, giving me another kiss. This time, he brings his arm up that isn’t holding the little toddler, to hold onto my cheek so that our kiss is a little longer and deeper. We both pull away with huge smiles on our faces, thankful that Caleb still had his head buried in Louis’ neck.

“Hi.” I chime, giving him one last peck on the lips. “How was work?”

“Eh, we didn’t record much. Just a bunch of meetings for planning and stuff. Did you two have fun?”

I open my mouth to answer, but don’t get a chance to speak before Caleb’s head pops up suddenly and answers for me.

“Yeah!” He chimes. “We went to the toy store! And mummy got me toys!”

“Oh yeah? What did she get you?” Caleb wiggles out of his arms, running over to his playroom to bring over his new toys to show his father.

“What did you get him, (Y/N)?” Louis sighs, giving me a glare.

“I didn’t go too overboard! I only got him a couple things.” Defending myself. “And who are you to be scolding me about spoiling him! I have way more restraint than you!”

“True,” He admits, giving me a kiss on my forehead. “Let’s go make sure he doesn’t tear the house down.” He takes my hand in his, leading me to Caleb’s playroom.

When we came in, he already had his new toys out to show Louis.

“Wow look at all this! You got a good taste in toys, buddy!” He sits down to let Caleb show everything, and I sit down next to him and cling onto his upper arm and watch too.

“My favowite is the twuck!” Caleb says enthusiastically, moving his toy truck back and forth.

“It is pretty wicked. What do you say to mummy for getting you all this?”

“Thank you mummy!!” He says and jumps into my lap to give me a hug.

“Your welcome, baby.” I smile, giving him a kiss on the top of his head.

“Oh daddy, look at this one!” Popping up from my arms and running back over to his stash, and making sure he has Louis’ attention.

My two boys spend a decent amount of time playing with the juvenile toys while I contently sit and watch their interaction. Louis’ was always Caleb’s favorite play buddy, probably because Louis had never fully grown up himself. I notice Louis look back at me with a smile and a wink, letting me know he isn’t ignoring me. I blew him a little kiss back and mouthed ‘I love you’ and he catches the kiss, reciprocating, before going back to playing with our son.


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