Pregnancy Fight

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You watched from your place on the rocking chair of the master bedroom as Louis sauntered around the room to the lounge chair in the corner of the room that held his freshly ironed black jeans, in a pair of white briefs whilst he had one sock on and one sock tucked into his hand. He was humming one of the new songs softly beneath his breath before he grunted from bending over to pull on his other sock, adjusting the heel before stomping his foot down as he lost his balance for the moment and letting a thud echo around the room. He’d come home from work just only an hour ago, throwing off his coat and letting it fall to the coat stand before he ascended the stairs and immediately came face to face with you, where he’d told you he was heading out with the lads for a drink to relieve and surpass the stresses of being in the studio all day.

This didn’t want to anger you - he’d always go out with the lads when he was feeling stressed and you knew it was soothing to them to let the feeling wash through them with the consumption of alcohol over a few hours. However, with the hormones replacing every other emotion in your body, you’d freaked. With you entering the second trimester of your pregnancy, all you wanted was to stay in and have a night of relaxation. Candles lit and letting off soft aromas whilst you took a bubble bath and cuddled together, with a takeaway pizza ordered was yours and Louis’ definition of a night of relaxation, and Louis was always up for it.

However, with the stress in his body and the hormones in your own that were building up, this disagreement had lead to you both having a screaming match moments before he huffed off angrily to the bedroom and preceded to iron his jeans.

A hand rested just over your slightly showing bump - showing from beneath the blue tee *** that you had taken a liking to wearing during your pregnancy. A tee that Louis would say you ‘stole’ from him just to tease you and play tricks with you; but you knew the truth and he knew too. A soft sigh left your lips as you looked out the window, the gentle rocking of the rocking chair soothing you into a calm and emotionally cleansed state. However this sigh had made Louis’ ears perk up and he immediately whipped around and frowned.

“Don’t do that,” he muttered before dipping his head and button up the jeans on his legs. His soft and slight belly fat rolling up as he hunched over to adjust the waistband around his hips, and you could remember the night previous where he was laid in bed beside you with nothing but a pair of pyjama shorts settled around his upper thighs with his upper torso and belly on show. You would forever rub at the soft skin of his belly in an absentminded spur of the moment whilst he grinned and mewed in pleasure, agreement and warmth.

“Don’t do what? Breath?” You mumbled sarcastically, looking down at the slight curve of your bump before tugging the blue shirt down further and letting the hem rest at your thighs where the fluffy and tartan patterned blanket that his mother had given to you as a present sat over your legs. “I didn’t know that was such a fucking problem,” you hissed lightly, catching his eye contact as his eyelids closed into slits.

“You’re unbelievable. When are you going to let me live properly?” Louis asked, a hint of sarcasm and anger laced within the tone of his question. A tone that felt icy cold and insulting towards you leading to you having a sudden urge to slap the smug look off his face. “I can’t get over how possessive you can be. You may be pregnant with my kid, and we may be engaged, but you don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re my fiancée, not my mother,” he hissed, as he brushed past your shoulder and into the walk-in wardrobe adjacent to the bedroom.

A wash of hurt and pain flushed through your body and coursing through your veins as he disappeared through the doors and sliding them shut. The statement probably didn’t mean to sound as rude as he had thought it would, but to you, it made him sound like he didn’t care about you and it made him sound like he was adamant about the months to come when a baby would grace your lives. You didn’t think at all that you were possessive and controlling over him and you felt insulted that he thought that of you.

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