Lost memoris (dirty)

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Credit goes to owner

A/n: This story has so much feels.


The atmosphere of the room has changed dramatically. She can feel it. The small rays of light that shine through the baby blue patterned curtains no longer provide a warm feeling that she used to find comfort in when she read on the window sill. She looked around the room expecting to find an emotion other than the emptiness eating away at her. The pictures on the walls that once showed two happy kids so devotedly infatuated with one another now only appeared to be two blurred faces with vacant eyes. A worn, balled-up blanket lay in the middle of the room, with a knit sweater thrown carelessly on top, as if forgotten, sprawled out next to the dresser that had been discarded of her clothes last night.

A chill runs through her spine despite the warm temperature in the room and the fact that she was wearing a thick, gray sweatshirt. Everything’s been feeling gray lately. No matter how many times her friends drag her out downtown or she visits her mother in the countryside to try and take her mind off of things, this feeling of neutrality has her stuck somewhere in the middle of regaining any kind of happiness in her life or slipping back into that lonely sense she’s been trapped in.

Her fingers unknowingly scratch at the tattered, ironed on letters that spread across the front of the hoodie. It isn’t until she hears the tear of the material that she looks down and realizes what piece of clothing she had absentmindedly thrown on after her cold shower last night. She thought she had smelled that familiar scent of musky scented soap he had always insisted on buying solely because it had the “cute little bear” on the package. The closest thing to a smile she can muster creeps onto her lips. It’s a strange revelation since the boy that she feared would cause her cheeks to stay in her crooked smile permanently hasn’t sparked even a little grin in her for weeks. She can’t remember the last time she’s fallen asleep in his clothes which had grown to be a routine ever since they moved in together nearly two years ago.

The thought stirs a wash of recollections through her subconscious that seem to haunt her like a nightmare now. She can remember the day he had first brought it up. Knowing him, she though he would hire a skywriter to spell it out in curvy letters just as the sun was setting or something of that nature. He’d such a big heart that it had caught her completely off guard when he had asked her in a simple conversation.

“You know those things’ll rotten your teeth.”

As if the same man who was scolding her gummy worm addiction hadn’t been caught not even a hour ago from digging into her chocolate stash she always kept behind the rice cakes in her cabinet would know anything about cavities. “Excuse me but I don’t remember asking for your dental expertise” she countered, picking up another bright pink, sugarcoated chews and purposely licking off it before popping it between her lips.“Well, at least your lips will taste sweet” he teased before bending his head down to his lap where she was resting upon before pressing a short kiss to her sugar covered lips. “Almost as sweet as your other lips.” She huffed out a breath at him, pursing her lips and shaking her head. “Don’t ruin the night with your pervertedness.”

“You know you love me” he grinned, raising his eyebrows at her before grabbing the bowl of gummy candies away from her. “Hey! Give it back!” she squealed childishly, reaching out to try and take it back. His long arms were no match for her though because he easily held it over her head without a chance of her coming close to it. “Seriously, Lou, give me my candy!” He couldn’t help but laugh at how juvenile she was acting but it was actually quite amusing seeing her like this.

“You keep saying ‘my’ candy yet I’m pretty sure it was my dollar that bought you this bag” he reminded her, putting his hands under her back to lift her up so he could settle her into his lap. “What if it was our candy?”

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