I still hate you (mature)

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Credit goes to owner.

“Jesus it’s freezing out there! My nipples could cut stone!” I giggled pushing into Niall’s warm flat and giving him a big cuddle. 

“I thought the saying was "my nipples could cut glass”? …“ He asked confused 

"Oh shut up you know what I mean, my nipples are cold.” I rolled eyes and walked into the kitchen to find the exact back of a head I did not want to see tonight. 

“Be nice” Niall whispered in my ear and pushed past me into the living room. 

“Hello Lewis.” My tone was sickly sweet and my face was sporting a massive fake grin.

“Oh for fuck sake” Louis murmured, turning around in disbelief. He quickly pushed past me and stormed into the living room, I’m guessing to tell Niall off for inviting me. Completely unfazed I poured myself a large glass of wine and strolled casually into the living room filled with Niall, Harry, Zayn, Perrie, Liam, Sophia, a couple girls I recognised but didn’t know the names of and a shrieking Louis.

“You fucking promised! You said specifically that this would be an (y/n) free zone-" 

"Jesus Christ calm down, I’m not gonna bite” I cut off Louis clearly distressed rant with a chuckle and plopped down on the lavish couch next to Harry who greeted me with a side hug an a kiss on the cheek.

“See what I mean?!? She’s a fucking bitch!” Louis shrieked causing me to laugh loudly. Louis Tomlinson and I had a large history of dispute, both of us taking an instant disliking to the other when I went to stay with my younger cousin Niall two years ago on tour. Louis was a bitchy drama queen, clearly used to being able to walk all over everyone and get his way at the drop of a hat. He thought that just because he was okay looking (the least best looking in the whole bloody band, if you ask me) and he had a barely above average singing voice, he deserved to have everyone bow down and respect him. But not me. 

“Can you two not get on for one night?!? It’s my birthday and I want you both here!” Niall whined childishly.

“I never said anything” I chuckled putting my hands up in defence.

“Louis?” Niall said patronisingly 

“Fine just make sure that cheap slag stays away from me… I don’t want to catch anything” Louis said.

“You cheeky little cunt-” I shrieked angrily attempting to get off to the couch to wipe that ugly smirk off his stupid face, only to be pulled back down by Harry’s long arms

“Y/n calm down” Harry whispered in my ear.

“He is just trying to get a reaction out of you" 

I quickly composed myself, much to the surprise of the others in the room and settled back on to the couch.

"I’m fine.” I stated to the room. 

“And I would like to add I am in fact disease free… Which is more than I can say for Elton John over there who has probably caught something from his late night bumming sessions with the homeless guys outside his house” I said the last part quietly but it was defiantly picked up by Louis. 

“I’m not fucking gay you slut!” Louis shouted being quickly held back by Niall.

“Guys!!!” Zayn shouted taking us all by surprise.

“Stop being so fucking immature and pretend you like each other for one fucking night so Niall can have a good birthday, yeah?!?” Zayn said angrily. 

“Fine.” I groaned 

“Fine.” Louis repeated. 

“Good. Now let’s get this party started” Zayn grinned whilst pulling and waving his large baggy of weed from his pocket.

Louis Tomlinson ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ