Everything's falling

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Credit goes to the owner.

“Let’s dance… For old times sake.” He said, holding out his hand for you. The music was playing softly and there was no one else in the room, spare for a couple gathering their jackets. You hesitated, not sure if you could trust yourself to just dance. Louis smiled softly at you and your resolve completely disappeared. Your hand met his and he pulled you into his familiar embrace. You took a deep breath as his scent kicked your olfactory into overdrive. It was more than just cologne. You had sniffed his cologne in a moment of weakness and you had to admit that it wasn’t the same. It was a smell that was just so Louis. Your head rested against his shoulder as you fought the urge you reach up and kiss him. 

You would’ve given anything to go back to that moment and change your answer. When Louis asked you if being away on tour was too hard on your relationship, you should’ve said no. But you were so tired. It was 3 in the morning and he was so far away and it felt like it would never end. He was always gone or busy and you just wanted him to yourself for one day. You didn’t want to have to share him anymore. You knew you were being selfish and as soon as he had hung up the phone, you wanted to change it. 

London was a big enough city though, right? Maybe you wouldn’t run into him that often. When he was in town, you’d hang out with other friends, and avoid places you knew he liked. So that’s what you did. For two years, you pretended that your heart wasn’t absolutely aching all the time because you never stopped thinking about how much you truly loved Louis. Any guy you dated was immediately compared to him, even before you noticed. 

But here you were, wrapped up in arms again. And it was like no time had passed at all. He still held you just tight enough, still looked at you the same way. You let him rock you back and forth across the dance floor that only an hour previous had been an all-out party. You wanted to remember every little bit this dance incase it was the last time you allowed yourself to be this close to Louis. You knew you’d hurt him when you’d broken things off and he deserved better, more. 

“I am still so in love with you.” He whispered, barely audible. You tilted your head to look up at him. He met your gaze and you could see it in his eyes just how hurt he still was. He bit his lip, “And I really think I may never stop.” 

You wanted to run away. Well, you wanted to want to run away. But you didn’t, not even a bit. Instead, you found yourself reaching up on your toes to press your lips against his. His hand were on the back of your neck in an instant. The swaying stopped and it felt like the world did, too. He was so urgent in his movements and you did your best to match it. You never wanted to stop kissing him. Never had you thought you’d actually get the chance to be with Louis like this again. When you separated, your eyes met. “I never stopped loving you.” You admitted. Before you knew it, Louis was walking you back to a wall. His body was fully pressed against yours, hands on your waist, lips kissing up and down your neck. “Louis,” you exhaled. 

“Come home with me.” Louis whispered in your ear before kissing the sensitive spot just under. 

Instead of trying to talk, which you weren’t sure you could do, you just nodded and Louis held out his hand for you. Your fingers laced with his as he led you out to his car. The seconds between him depositing you in the passenger seat and his door opening felt like they were passing too slow. You blood was rushing in your ears and you just want to be pressed against Louis again. The ride back to his house felt like it took too long. His fingers brushed the skin above your knee and it felt electric. Soon, he was parking the car and you were rushing to unbuckle. You slipped out of the car before he got around to your side and he pulled you into his arms. He kissed you deeply, less urgent than before, but much more thoroughly. The two of you stumbled up the steps and he fumbled with his keys before successfully turning them in the lock. He pulled you into the house. He was kissing you again as soon as the door closed. You both kicked off your shoes and he pulled you down towards the bedroom. 

Once inside his room, you pulled him back against you. Your fingers started at the buttons on his shirt. As soon as it was open, you ran your hands over his smooth chest before wrapping around to pull him closer to you. He shrugged the shirt off and unzipped your dress. He was kissing at your neck and you were sure your knees were going to give out at anytime, but it just felt so good. You walked back towards the bed, pulling him down with you. You lips were locked again, as he supported his weight with his forearms. You struggled to get the top button of his pants undone in the tight space between the two of  you. You stopped kissing to look down at your hands. Soon, the button was undone and you were pushing his pants down to his ankles. He got up to kick his pants off and you felt like he was too far away. He was back in an instant and you felt yourself moan against his lips. You hands gripped at his biceps. “Are you sure?” Louis said, with his forehead pressed against yours. “I don’t want to do this if it’s not for the long haul.” His eyes met yours. 

“I’m so sure.” You said, trying to calm your erratic breathing. “I really am in love with you.” You promised. And that was all he needed. His lips were back pressed against yours and you felt like you were home. 

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