Chapter 3:Search

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"A search?" I ask.

"Yes you and Yuki will check the girls dorms and Zeros will do the same for the guys."

~slight timeskip~

"Why are there so many photos of them." The sentence comes out more of a whine as I haul two large trash bags up the stairs.

"Well you can't tell me their not beautiful. I mean look at them." She gets a random picture from the bag. "It's not a surprise the day class fawns over them." Shrugging my shoulders I continue up the stairs.

Now for the moon dorms.

~Time skip~

Great they both ran off. Turning around I was about to go chase them but Kaname stops me. He tells me to search the dorms and that he's going after Yuki. I sigh and walk into the dorms.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I guess they all cleaned up before we got here. I see Aido laying on the floor of his room. Walking towards Akatsuki I ask what's up.

Apparently Kaname made him throw away all the junk he's collected of him. I laugh and head downstairs to watch the TV. Senri was watching with me out of pure boredom.

I see a familiar ccg agent speak of the rise of ghoul crimes in the 11th ward.

"I didn't know you were such a wanted ghoul." I look over to Senri.

Seeing the TV I see camera footage of me sneaking into the 11th wards ccg branch.

We keep watching. Takuma soon joined along with Rima and Ruka.

"Is that you?" I nod answering Rimas question.

The whole while the news anchor commentates.

_The ghoul is obviously a female with light blonde hair. We can't see her face but notice how she literally walks right by these security guards. Let's rewind that. And now she's climbing into the vents. Now we don't spot her on the cameras until three minutes later when she has already stolen a few documents. After that she appears again on camera 6 tampering with a control panel. We assume this is the cause that led up to the massacre that took place the next day._

With that last line it cuts to commercial, standing up I yawn knowing I have to go on patrol and wanting to leave before they ask about it.  Jumping out an open window I run to the woods. Sitting in a nearby tree I sense no one around. Few hours pass and I jump down. After hearing a rustle I start walking towards it.

Only a few inches from the bush a bunny jumps out. I sigh letting my guard down and picking up the bunny. Climbing back into the tree I let the bunny curl up on my lap letting it sleep. Soon after awhile I start to daze off too.


Opening the door to your uncles study you crawl to his seat and tug at his white robe dress thing.

He looks down with a stoic expression. "My word I didn't even know you were here." He picks you up and let's you sit on his desk. He stares at me for a moment. "You look so much like your father. Even though I don't know who you're mother was but now that I look at you. I think she was American or something. Wow that actually explains why your names Ashlynn." You laugh and tug at your little shoes. You accidentally tip back to far and fall of the side of the desk. In your baby panic you release your kagune. It was a tail, a little scaly tail that cushioned your fall. You see Tataras eyes widen. "Less the three years old and you can already release your kagune. Impressive." He looks up for awhile thinking. "Tomorrow you start training." Being a baby you had no idea what was going on so you just kept playing with your new tail.


I wake up noticing the smell of blood. Not just anyone's blood, but Yukis. From the tree I grab the bunny and run towards the school. I bump into Kaname on the way there. He tells me to go to the dorm and stay there. Out of respect I walk back to the dorms with my little friend curled up in my arms.

"You smelled it to right?" Only Aido and Akatsuki were up.

"Yea. It was Yuki's blood wasn't it." Aido nods and continues freezing his drink. Sitting beside him I show him who I found in the woods. "Look he's so tiny and fluffy!" He laughs as he pets the bunny. Akatsuki walking by in only pajama bottoms and a towel. around his neck also pets the rabbit. I try not to stare.

Walking into class I hear everyone's conversation. Apparently we have a hot new teacher here.

Everyone turns towards the door once they see the new teacher. They weren't kidding he is good looking. Many girls start bombarding him with personal questions. 'Are you single?' 'Do you have a girlfriend?' It continues till the class rep scolded them and chose someone who was raising their hand. It was the girl Zero saved on St. Chocolates day. She asked about his eye.  After that Zero stormed out with Yuki following after him. Getting up I calmly walk out after them excusing us from class.

Later the next day I accompanied Zeros and Yuki into town to get some supplies. Yuki suggested we stop by to get some food. When our order was done I see Yuki ordered a large ice cream and Zero just complained he wanted noodle soup instead. I just got coffee, the only damn human food I can stand.

"My you by any chance be from cross academys night class?" The waitress from before starts rambling about how gorgeous they are and how Zero good looking enough to be in that class and how Aido is her life. I stopped listening after I noticed Zero and Yuki left. I get stuck paying for the food and rush out after them. Seeing the supplies in the ground I groan.

Hauling the supplies over my shoulders a follow their scent. Rushing by Takuma and Senri I drop the supplies and start running once I see a figure drop from below towards the committee. Letting my koukaku out I rip the seams on my uniform. The vampire already hit was walking back towards me just long enough for me to punch it into the brick wall.

He was barely awake when I started dragging him to a nearby alleyway.

"Yuri what are you going to do with him?" Facing towards Takuma my eyes change black and scarlet. "I see. Well I'll let you go on your way then."

I smile and I tell Takuma I'll be at the dorms later just in time for his party. He waves and smiles as I walk further into the alley.

I was lucky enough to find this fella just as the month was ending. Taking a whole hour I finally finish devouring him and head back.

Taking the bloody blazer off of me I throw it away and walk onto campus.

It was getting dark as I walked to the moon dorms.

"Hello." Walking up to Akatsuki and Aido I ask why they're out here.

"I didn't even know you were out here!" Aido says while Akatsuki explains how they are to escort the rest of the disciplinary committee to the party.

"Go on we'll meet you there." Akatsuki  nods in the direction of the party.

After awhile the committee showed up along with the two night class students. Some serious stuff happened  and long story short the committee didn't stay for long. I get why though. This atmosphere was a bit awkward for me. Some were drinking each others blood and I could smell each drop. Aristocratic vampires blood smells so good.

"Can't help but notice you're missing out." I sense Takuma behind me his arms around my shoulders. "Care if I take a bite? I've never tasted a ghouls blood before." Getting out of his hold I nod but offered my hand instead. As far as I know only another kagune can pierce a ghouls skin, but what about a vampires fangs?

Watching silently as he raises my hand to his lips. I wait for a pain sensation but nothing happened. After an awkward silence between us I grab a glass and release my koukaku. Swiping it fast enough along the palm of my hand for it to start bleeding.  Letting the glass below collect the blood before it heals I hand it to Takuma.

"My goodness your blood tastes amazing!" Everyone stares at us for a moment.

Realising more rips on my uniform I excuse myself and head to the dorms to change.

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