20| Brandon

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"What's the move for you tonight, Bran?" Jared asked me as our extended shift had finally ended.

"Um, hanging out with a good friend."

Jared smiled and shook his head. "You still out here not claiming Lauren like she ain't your girl?"

I looked up at him and put my phone in my pocket. "Chill, I wasn't talking about her. Remember the girl you met the other day...Sam? That's the friend I'm talking about."

"Ah, I see. That's my bad. I ain't know you was really interested in her like that. Well, I don't know."

I furrowed my brows at him. "Nah, finish what you had to say. Why you think that?"

Jared shrugged as we walked out of the station. "I can tell that y'all are good friends, but I just don't see it. As more than that anyway..."

I took what he said in and simply nodded. Lately, I was starting to hear different variations of the same thing from people. They didn't see me and Sam as a couple, but that's irrelevant. I like her...a lot.

"Ah, I see. Your eyes aren't exactly 20/20 my friend."

Jared cracked up laughing. "Yoooo, you called me your friend. We moving on up in the world, partner."

"Nah, you still a rook so stay in a rookie's place my guy."

"Bet. Later Bran," he said while running across the street to get to his car.

Despite not being a fan of having partner again, especially him being a rookie, it's working out good. Dude learns on the fly and is funny as hell when he's not putting his foot in his mouth.

I unlocked my car and got in to head to Sam's house. She said that we needed to talk about something. Usually when somebody wanna talk it ain't good, but I couldn't think of a reason for us to not be alright. I'm guessing she just wanted to prepare me for meeting her family for Christmas.

When arriving to her condo, she opened the door before I could knock. I'm assuming her dog, Todo, gave it away.

"Hey, how you doing?" I greeted her with an embrace around her thick frame and a forehead kiss.

"Hi," she said lightly with a fragile smile. "I'm ok. How was your day?"

I just sighed. "Stressful, but better now that I get to see you." Sam didn't say anything back, she just nodded and grabbed my hand to guide me inside.

"Everything ok? Seem like you deep in thought," I said when we reached her couch to sit. I ran my hand down her back to comfort her.

"I am in deep thought..."

My brows furrowed. "Alright, tell me what's on your mind."

"Where do you see us going with this?" Sam motioned her hands between the two of us.

"I see us going far. Why else would I book a flight to meet your folks?"

Sam cracked a smile and took a deep breath. "I wanna believe that so bad, but--"  she paused in the middle of her thought.

I removed my hand from her back and sat back. I knew where this was going. She wanted to end it. "But, what? Samantha just say what you have to say."

"I would love nothing more than for us to be together, but somebody already has your heart."

I furiously shook my head. "I'm only checking for you, so who you talking about?"


"That's bs. Lauren is my homie and that's that." I hated that we even had to have this conversation. I felt like I was defenseless when it came to convincing myself and others that there was nothing there.

Sam's eyes were staring into mine as I waited for her to speak. "Hello?" I blurted out, growing impatient with the silence.

"Brandon, you're an amazing guy and there's no denying that. But I'm not naïve nor am I blind. The way y'all look at each other. How you run to her side at the drop of a dime when she calls...I see it more everyday."

"Sam, was I not here with you last night in your bed?" I rhetorically asked. "This is where I want to be, with you."

"And where did you go before I even woke up this morning? To take her breakfast."

"She's going through a lot right now and you know she's alone because of her situation. I'm just looking out for her. No need for you to be jealous, Sam."

"I've seen this before. Hell, I've been in this scenario before and I'm not going to get caught up again. You may not want to admit your feelings for her right now, but I can't sit back and wait until the day you realize it."


I had no words, but by the look in her eyes I could see her more hurt than any amount of jealousy. It had been a matter of three months with us, but I was getting to the point where I was ready to commit. Yet, she trying to dip on me.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me that you don't feel anything for her." I look Sam in her eyes and I opened my mouth to say the magic words.

"Sam, just hear--" I started before being cut off.

"No, Brandon answer me please. We've been transparent with each other all this time, so don't switch up now."

"T--There's something there," I admitted truthfully.

Sam chuckled sadly. "I'm not even mad at it. I just wish I wasn't right about this." I shook my head and rested my head on the couch. Contemplating why the fuck did I say anything.

"What happens now?" I asked her with my eyes focused on the ceiling.

"Food, I hope...I'm buying," she said. I cracked an apologetic smile at her. Sam is an amazing girl and she deserved everything. I just hate that this thing between us is ending.

"I'm sorry, Sam," I told her.

She shrugged and gave me a kiss to the cheek. "Don't be. Just make sure you give her your whole heart because I think you have so much love to give...you just too much of a hard ass to show it."

"Not gonna happen."

Sam looked up from the Chinese food menu and at me. "What? Why not?"

"I can't. She deserves better, y'all both do."

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Is Sam right?

Sooo, do this mean that Brandon and Lauren have a chance now?

Why Brandon being such a debby downer about the situation though?

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