Chapter 2

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I had cried myself to sleep that night. Derek had made sure I was okay which meant he was lying with me and Silver. Derek was on my right letting me use his chest as a pillow. Silver on the other hand was on my left pressed into my back. I had fallen asleep like that. We had all fallen asleep like that. I awoke the next morning tangled in my blankets. Derek was gone but Silver was in his place, I sat up slipping out of my bed. Right there in front of me was a vase with two red roses, one thornless and a big piece of paper that was taped to the vase read:


Aww! Derek did this, I just know it. I took the roses and smelt them, their beautiful aroma….amazing! wow this guy was so sweet! I set down the two red roses as I spotted the other one, another rose, a white rose tipped with purple. When I was young, for a hobby I memorized the meanings of rose colors and other things. A thornless rose in saying “Love at first sight.” And a red rose speaks the words “I love you.” Bur a white rose with purple tips says. “I’m not worthy of your love.” And knowing that was when the confusion set it but then I saw a not attacked to it:

My love. My life. My world. Shattered. I was stupid. With you one moment…gone the next. I’m sorry and I love you my dear Athena.


The only people who left me last night were…Salem, that jackass and the sweetest guy ever, Derek. I bet its Derek. I bet he is this Anonymous guy because my mate clearly doesn’t love me. He isn’t my mate; Derek isn’t my mate so we belong to different people.

I smiled.

It’s him. He’s….Mr. Anonymous.

I set down the roses and the letter. I felt my tears from last night had dried and I knew there would be more to it but happy tears. I then made my way down stairs to the kitchen door, where I heard two people arguing. I then stopped short just outside the door.

“Okay look, I was fine with you getting married but I warned you about what might happen if you found your mate!” It was my brother saying all this.

“Look I still haven’t even slept with Sylvia because of my damn guilt just for marrying her but I’m doing this, I’m rejecting Athena because I know that if the Elders know about her they will make me divorce Sylvia then marry your sister all in one day!” Salem shouted back at Matt. “I don’t wanna do that to her. She doesn’t even know…I can’t do that me her.”

Know what?

Matt let out a heavy sigh.

“Okay, I get that but still Salem.” Matt growled. “You heard her last night crying near the fire with Derek! I couldn’t stand that especially having to tell MY sister that her damn fucking mate is so stupid enough to reject her! Dammit, Salem that was a stupid move.”

“Enough!” I heard my father yell. “Matt shut up or both of you take this outside, Athena could be waking up soon!”

Thank you Daddy! I thought to myself.

“Fine.” Growled my brother.

Then the sounding of the kitchen door slamming shut signaled his leave. He must be really pissed off at Salem.

“Mr. James?” I heard Salem say, he was still in the kitchen.

I stood there frozen.

“Yes Salem?” My father said, his voice sounded stiff.

“I want your daughter as my mate bit I can’t do the…I don’t wanna marry her if she’s not ready.”

I rolled my eyes, this is total bull shit! And right now I hope my father realizes it. I really do hope he realizes it before I really get pissed off at Salem.

“That’s bull shit, my boy.” My father said simply. “Now go.”

 I heard a door open the close. My father’s heavy sigh followed shortly after. “You can come in now Pumpkin.” How’d he know I was out here?

I slowly walked into the kitchen to see my father facing the door with crossed arms as he glared out the kitchen window. His green eyes lightened when he saw me walk in though.

“Hi Daddy.” I whispered.

“Hey Pumpkin.” He whispered back.

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