Chapter 3

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It was around noon time when I saw Derek again. He was walking toward me, smiling. His brown hair was in a perfect messy style which suited him quite well. I found myself checking him out, checking out the way his grey T-shirt clung to his every muscle but I couldn’t help but think that Salem’s muscle tone was so much better. Anyway Derek wore a pair of black swim trunks, too.

“Going swimming?” I asked as I set down my towel so it laid out.

“No, your brother cancelled on me….pissed off about something.” Derek mumbled. “So can I hang out with you today?”

I smiled as I crawled onto my towel.

“Sure as long as you don’t mind me tanning for a while.” I said just as Silver came running.

I was wearing my black and yellow bikini which was my favorite for tanning. I closed my eyes just as Derek pulled off his grey shirt. He and Silver then jumped into the water. Silver was only aloud to swim in the pool because the pool is like a beach, I guess that’s how you’d explain it. You can just walk right into the pool like  you can at the beach.

“Hey Wren!” Derek called from the pool a while later.

“What?” I mumbled as I soaked up the nice hot sun.

“Come get in the water.”

“No.” I mumbled again.

“Pwease Wren!” He whined like a little child causing me to giggle.

I pushed myself up so I could sit cross legged as I looked over at the sopping wet figure of the sweetest guy ever. He was a good looking guy as well as sweet and gentle and I was slowly finding myself liking him.


“What’s up?” He asked softly.

I hesitated trying to word things correctly in my head. I mean it was a simple question for anyone to ask but it was a difficult one for me to say, myself.

“Am I pretty?” I asked.

Derek looked at me like he would a crazy person. He then swam over to me, Silver following him like this was some kind of fun game. Derek got out of the pool kneeling down in front of me before saying softly. “Wren who has told you your not? Do you think that’s why your dick of a mate rejected you in the first place?”

I shrugged.

“I don’t know.” I sighed softly looking away from him biting my lip. I had to tell him and tell him now before I die with hidden secrets. I will only tell him what he needs to know nothing more. “Derek, I had, um, an, um, abusive boyfriend when I was around fifteen.”

Derek growled.

“Derek please don’t, it’s over okay? But that’s why. He always said no one would want me, even my mate.” My voice cracked as I tried to whisper my feelings.

Derek suddenly kissed me.

“You are more than just pretty, your beautiful. Beautiful is a lot better than pretty or hot or even sexy to me.” He told me seriously. “And please don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”

I smiled.

“Okay.” But I leaned into kiss him again. “You’re a good kisser.”

Derek grinned just as Silver shook out her fur next to us soaking us both, well me seems how Derek was already wet. I nearly screamed pulling away from Derek who began to laugh his ass off. I stuck my tongue out at him like a little girl. He grinned leaning forward taking my tongue in his mouth as he kissed me. I’m kissing my brother’s best friend. This shouldn’t feel so right, it should feel wrong, but it didn’t. We continued to kiss or we did till matt dropped by around one to check in on us. Derek had his arms wrapped around me tightly whispering something in my ear. We hadn’t even noticed Matt until he cleared his throat.

“Oh hey Matty Poo.” I laughed looking over at him.

“What are you doing to my sister?” My brother demanded in a growl as he glared at Derek.

“Matt, Derek and I are, um kinda dating now.” I then saw a glimpse of Salem. “I’m not letting this whole mate shit ruin my life. I found someone I like and who likes me back.”

I looked up at Derek.

“Plus that damn fucker I call my best friend who gave MY girl this…” Derek trailed off as he gently pulled back my hair showing the rejection mark to Matt. “Doesn’t deserve her.”

I leaned up and kissed him before Silver and I got into the water to swim. Matt then turned, walking over to Salem who seemed to flinch. Oh wow! An Alpha wolf flinching, that’s a first!!

Suddenly a large terrifying growl interrupted my thoughts. Salem was stalking up to Derek, hands balled into white knuckled fists. I instantly ran out of the pool blocking his path, Silver at my feet growling her warning to him.

“Stop it!” I growled at Salem. “You’re a dick! Now back of my boyfriend! You hurt him, you automatically hurt me, too.”

Salem froze at my words and I couldn’t help the smile that formed onto my lips.

“Salem come on, you rejected her, you have no fucking right to get all pissy. Just because you have someone else doesn’t mean she can’t.” Matt growled. What a protective big brother. “So fuck off my sister’s bf and lets go.”

Salem growled.

I stalked up to him, smacking him across the face.

“Just go away you asswhole!” I shouted as I went over to wrap myself up in Derek’s arms.

Salem stalked off mumbling. “Whatever bitch!”

Matt caught Salem by the wrist spinning him around before making a perfect fist and colliding it with Salem’s perfect face. Salem staggered back a few steps backward gently touching his busted lip. He let his silver blood stream down his jaw and I flinched. Even though he rejected me, he was still my mate and I didn’t want to see him hurt even if he could handle himself.

“Don’t you fucking dare call my sister a bitch!” Matt nearly screamed yanking Salem forward which was a mistake because Salem instantly punched my brother in the jaw twice then in the face doing a lot more damage than Matt had done to him. he then stalked off giving us all the finger and leaving my brother with a instant black eye and a busted lip. Damn! I’m so happy I’m not with that dick. Derek was right, Salem doesn’t deserve me what so ever.

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