Chapter 18

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Salem’s P.O.V.

My mother, who I haven’t seen in a little under twenty years was coming to meet my beautiful pregnant wife. I was still in shock by that and she had told me on our wedding day which had been over a week and a half ago now. Right now, currently I was in my office looking over paper work for my pack as Athena sat curled in a ball on the couch across from my desk, asleep with a blanket tucked around her. I should really put her in bed and let her sleep there but I didn’t want to not be where she was unprotected even if we were living in a very protected house. Now that I know she is pregnant I don’t want anything to happen to not just her but our baby as well. Suddenly here eyes fluttered open and found me watching her. She then yawned and slowly stood before making her way over to me where she sat down on my lap wrapping her arms around my neck pressing her face into my shoulder.

“When is your mom supposed to be here?” She whispered with another yawn.

“Not sure.” I whispered back sitting back in my chair wrapping my arms around her. “How ya feeling, any morning sickness yet?”

“Oh shut up you know I was up for an hour last night puking because of this baby.” She giggled kissing my newly shaved jaw. “I blame you, you know.”

“And I’m happy your blaming me.” I whispered with a small laugh. I was so thankful I had gotten her pregnant, we had been talking about how soon we had wanted to have a child after we got married, and we wanted a baby soon.

“Anyone home!?!?!” A voice called out throughout the empty house. I could tell just by the smell, that it was my older brother Gabriel who then appeared in the door was with his arms crossed with a frown on his face.

“What?”  I asked just as he walked in followed by my mother and younger sister Leven, then I saw Matt walk in with Jessie.

“The family needs to talk.” Gabriel nearly growled.


“The killer.” My brother answered causing me to stiffen under Athena who stiffened at my own stiffness as a growl escaped my lips.

“Salem what’s this about?” Athena whispered looking up at me with frightened eyes.

I sighed heavily.

“You’ll find out, but in the mean time…mom this is my wife Athena. Athena, Love, this is my mother Jessica.” I whispered as my mother smiled at Athena. “So Gabriel what’s up?”

“We know who killed dad three years ago and Athena and Matt’s father.” He said.



Well everyone that is the end of The Hunger: Mr. Anonymous please check out book 2 The Pain: Enemies or not?



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