Chapter 13

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I awoke around nine thirty moaning as I turned to burry my face in Salem’s chest. When I didn’t feel him there, I opened my eyes to see that Salem was gone, replaced by the sleeping Silver. I quickly bolted up into a sitting position whispering franticly. “Salem?” Nothing. I then wiggled out from under the blankets in a panic. Where was he? As I sat up I found a small piece of paper on the side of the bed Salem had slept on”

I’m sorry. I love you and last night was the best night of my life. You made living this long worth it. Athena, I wish I would have found you so much sooner! I wanted my mate to be the one I marry. I share my life with. And I was a fucking idiot for rejecting you! You should have been my Alpha female but I know you don’t want me. I wouldn’t see how you would want me not after all the shit I put you through. I love you! Oh and you left the Silverblood book in my truck the day we bought it. It’s now on your desk, Love. And Athena Wren James, I love you so much.

Mr. Anonymous


I peered at the letter, the very ending. Did those scribbled out words say Mr. Anonymous? No! I scrambled out of bed then to get my clothes for the day, on. I then ran down the stairs screaming at the top of my lungs. “MATT!!”

Matt suddenly appeared as I began to cry.

“What? What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Where’s Salem?!?” I demanded through my tears.

“Why?” He asked just as Jessie walked into the room.

“Jes where’s your brother?”

“He left for Canada an hour and a half ago.” She answered. “Why-“ She then froze instantly. “He confessed everything didn’t he?”

I nodded whispering. “I want and need Salem.”

Matthew was instantly on the phone as Jessie ran to comfort me. I was breaking down. shutting down all together. Jessie held me tightly as Matt talked on the phone.

“Salem get your ass back here now!” Matt yelled into the phone. “And don’t yell at me cause I’m yelling at you! And I’m yelling at you at you cause my sister is freaking out! She needs you! And now! She’s having some sort of break down.”

A minute went by of the two talking before Matt thrusted the phone at me. I immediately tried to calm myself before taking it mumbling a small. “H-h-hello?”

“Athena, Love, I’m on my way just give me a little bit okay? I’ll see ya soon, kay Love?”

“Yeah.” I breathed.

“I love you and stay calm.” The line was then dead.

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