Chapter 7

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It was Friday that I decided that it was a day to get away from it all and a day that I made the decision of it being one of the hottest days of the summer. I called up Jessie to come to the lake house with me. My father had owned this lake house for over fifteen years but now I guess it was Matthew and I’s lake house. Anyway the lake house was on the lake of Tacoma but currently I was trying to talk Matt into coming with us to the lake. Matthey was sitting on the counter frowning slightly.

“Please Matty Poo!” I whined giving him my best puppy dog face when we were kids that he always fell for. “Please! You can bring the guys if you don’t wanna be stuck with two girls all day.”

Matt didn’t look at me.

“Matty look at me please.” I begged.

He reluctantly looked up instantly giving a heavy sigh mumbling. “Fine! I’ll go!”

I grinned.

“I love you! You’re the best brother ever!” I cried happily throwing my arms around him before I bound up the stairs and into my bed room to change into my bathing suit.

Around an hour later we were all at the lake. Jessie, Derek, Salem, Matt and I all sat on the dock. I stood and dove into the nice refreshing water. I swam to the edge of the dock half hoisting myself up so I had my arms crossed on the dock and my chin resting on it with the rest of my body in the water just as someone had jumped into the water. I automatically made a small squeak before giving a frown, it was Salem. He then popped up right next to me. I shot him a glare which he seemed to just ignored, but he did get a glare from my brother too, which made him growl softly causing me to slap him. I then leaned in close whispering in a small him. “Your sister doesn’t know what we are so I suggest you stop.”

He smirked.

His silver eyes locked with mine for a moment. I felt like the only girl in the word and that’s what made a tear slip. I looked away before I slid under water. I swam away from him, hoping he didn’t see me cry. I then went over to grab a float so I could lay out on it. The sun was shining down on my body. By the end of the day I know I will have a pretty good tan even though I will have lines from my bikini. I was somewhat asleep  after an hour’s worth of tanning.

“Hey Wren, you look kinda red.” I heard some low chuckling.

I nearly screamed bolting up and falling into the water. My heard popped out of the water in front of Derek.

“Not cool.” I growled at him softly after looking over my body.

“Oh you finally noticed I was lying?” He asked grinning at me.

“You’re so lucky I need both my hands to swim or I would smack you.” I warned before swimming back over to the float.

As I lead on the float, Derek found room to rest his elbows and chin on the extra space found. I looked over at him and smiled.

“So have you been having fun?” He asked with a cocky grin.

I splashed water at him.

Derek chuckled but stopped. “Look I’m sorry baby. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to hit you…I was just…I wasn’t thinking straight.”

Salem’s P.O.V.

I sat there on the dock watching her. Her dark red hear looked black as it clung to her back which made her blue bikini look bright against her body. She had those eyes…those beautiful silver eyes which seemed to glow as she talked with Derek laughing somewhat but being careful of how close she got to him. Her smiled wasn’t that usual light to my very dark world, as they talked.

“You like her, don’t you.” I heard my adopted sister Jessie, ask in a soft whisper as she joined me.

“What?” I asked. “No!”

Jessie gave a small laugh.

“That may work on the other people but brother dearest, I see the way you look at her.” She said. “You’d look cute together. And don’t say anything but she likes you to but for some reason she’s scared of liking you.”

What?! Athena likes me? My thoughts began to run wild but soon faded. I rejected her. I had Sylvia and she had no one even though that jackass, Derek, wants her. I want my mate but…no! NO! No, no, no! I can’t have her!

I gave a heavy sigh.

“I highly doubt that, she looks at me like I’m a dark emotionless bastard.” I grumbled watching Athena and Derek laugh and splash each other and I couldn’t suppress my growl.

After a while Athena got out of the water to hang out with my sister. The two were laughing or they were until Derek came up to Athena encircling her in his fucking arms. I saw the lazy grin of his that he gave her. he then leaned his head in close to hers as she tried to push away. That damn fucker was gunna trying to kiss MY mate and she was trying to resist him!!

“Derek stop.” She warned in a whisper as I saw tears begin to form in her beautiful silver eyes.

I clinched my hands into fists and before the first tear could escape from Athena’s eyes, she jumped into the water before swimming off. Just from those tears that dared not to escape, I could tell she was scared and frightened. Derek turned to walk away when she was gone but I grabbed him throwing a punch at him just as Jessie went to go get Matt. Derek gave a small grunt but I didn’t stop there. I punched him again and again. He had hit my mate over and over when I was not there to protect her. Damn, I’m such a fucking jackass for rejecting my angel but she won’t want me now so I’m willing myself to stay away even if I don’t want to anymore.

“Don’t you dare fucking touch her like that!!!!! Do you understand me?!?!? I’m the Alpha and I have already once told you to not touch her!!!!!!!!!!! You need to fucking respect me, Dammit!!!!” I nearly yelled. “Don’t you ever touch her again!!!”

He paled.

“You love h-“

“Yes!!” I growled at him before Matt pulled me off shoving me aside yelling at me. “Enough! Now go check on my sister to see if she is okay. She’s already been through enough this past week.”

I jumped into the water and climbed onto the rock Athena had climbed onto. She was sobbing, her knees pulled up to her chest and her face buried there. That beautiful little angel of mine crying was just too much to handle.

“Athena?” I whispered kneeling down in front of her. “You okay? Talk to me, please.”

Her silver eyes looked up at me.

“I-I-I’m fine, Salem.” She said to me, my name coming out of her mouth sounded so unique and different in so many ways possible.

“Look please talk to me. Talk to me as a friend please, Shorty?” I pleaded taking her hand in mine, hoping the use of the nickname I had given, her before I rejected her, would soften things up a little but then I thought the better of it and said. “Please Athena.”

She crawled into my arms burying her face in my neck, sobbing into my shoulder. I tightened my arms around her, not letting her go. This would be the first time she has really cried since her father’s death and about Derek hitting her and about the attack. She needed this and I was just happy that I was the one who could be there to comfort her in any way possible. Holding her this way reminded me of the day we went to the book store and bought that book. She had looked pale then and I had taken her in my arms to comfort her.

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