Chapter 6

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The wind breezed through my dark red hair that hung in loose curly ringlets. It played with the end or my plain white summer dress that flew behind me as I stared out at the sparkling ocean from the small cliff edge. Down below I saw a few dots for heads, Matt had drug me along with him here just so he could go cliff diving with Derek and Salem. Matt still hated Derek but he didn’t wanna tell Salem why he hated him so they hung out anyway. It was one of those warm day but with the wind blowing constantly it put a chill on the nice summer day. I don’t see how the guys could be out in the ocean. I wore a small black zip up hoodie making myself as if I had just come out of a black and white movie.

“Hey Wren.” A voice said bringing me out of my thoughts.

I turned to see my sopping wet brother. His best friends on either side of him. Salem was looking pissed off as he smoked next to that jackass, Derek.

“Go away.” I mumbled to my brother. “And hurry up I wanna go home already. It’s boring watching you and your two puppies follow each other around like the idiots you are and cliff jumping. Its kinda stupid if ya ask me.”

“Well I wasn’t asking ya anythin’ so shut up with the complaining.” Matt shot back at me with a playful smirk.

I sighed heavily.

“Why’d I have to come anyway?” I asked softly.

“Cause I didn’t wanna leave you home alone. I did that once and it turned out like a living hell.” He said glaring at Derek.

Derek growled but Salem gave a more ferocious one, slapping him upside the head as he finished smoking. He then growled. “Rules, you Jackass! No one hurts a member of MY pack unless they have been a disgrace to us all!”

I had chosen to stay with my brother and father and by doing so I became a member of Salem’s pack. But right now I was really thankful that Salem had my back even when I know that he is just doing this because I’m a pack member, nothing more than that.

“I’m going home.” He mumbled. “Look Athena, if you don’t wanna be here I can take you home. It’s on my way home anyway.”

When he said my name, my real name, my heart did flips. I loved the way he said my name but the way he said it, I caught emotion and his Irish accent. Why hadn’t I noticed it before? It’s so noticeable!

“Come on man, don’t leave.” My brother complained just as I said. “Um sure…I just wanna go home.” And I didn’t tell him to call me by my middle name, Wren, either.

Matthew frowned as Salem lazily walked off toward his black ford. Why the hell was my mate who rejected me taking me home? I don’t know but I was confused as I opened the squeaky bear up passenger side door. How could he be an Alpha with a crappy pickup? Salem was silent as he roared the engine to life pulling out of the place he had pared and onto the main road as soon as I was in the seat and buckled.

I sighed heavily looking out the window watching the trees fly by as Salem drove. I was forcing back the tears as I slowly peeked over at him to see his jaw clinched tightly along with his white knuckled fists gripping the steering wheel. Did he really hate me that much?

It was around an hour later that we pulled into my drive way. The lot was empty, my father at work. I sat in Salem’s truck a moment longer before slipping out of the truck mumbling my thanks. I then nearly ran to the front door to get away. I couldn’t believe my brother had to drag me along but I was the one who accepted the offer, of my mate who rejected me, to take me home.

I let out an angered sigh as I walked into the darkened kitchen flipping on the light in the process. A piercing scream left my lips as I saw a dark hooded figure standing over the lifeless body that lay in its own pool of blood. I got a glimpse of who the body way. This hooded figure made it look like my father was still at work when truth be told he lie dead on the kitchen floor. The figure turned at my scream reveling more of the gruesome sight of my father, and that’s when I caught a glimpse of metal glinting off the over head light, from the figures hand. I backed off then turned to run hoping that Salem was still in the drive way but I was too late, I was grabbed roughly by my hair and being yanked back. I screamed again as I crashed into the large wooden table, I gave a small grunt as I tried to push myself up but whoever this figure was grabbed me by my shoulders hulling me up to my feet. He then began to push me out the kitchen door way and out into the backyard.

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