Chapter 14

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I was in my back yard swinging under the weeping willow. It had become dark real quickly as the rain clouds rolled in, but I didn’t move. I let the rain fall on me. Letting it thunder around me. It’s been nearly two hours and there has been no sign of Salem. I’m scared, I really want him here…I miss him already.

“Athena?” It was familiar voice, Mr Anonymous.

I turned to see him there in a dark black hoodie hiding his face. I then stood backing away, tears forming in my eyes. I didn’t want him anymore. I thought I was falling for him, but when Salem showed up last night, all my feelings went to him. Mr. Anonymous stepped toward me and I automatically stepped away, afraid of him now.

“Athena, Love-”

“Don’t call me that!” I nearly screamed at him. I was scared and the only person I knew that could make it right was the one who still wasn’t here yet.

“Athena what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?!? I get rejected by my mate almost two months ago! I think he doesn’t love me. I start getting the notes from you that same day. I dated my mates best friend who hit me more than once. My mate and I start to get along just as my best friend finds out about werewolves exist and that my brother is her mate! I have my birthday party and we both know what happened there.” I was crying now, more like sobbing. “My mate came to me wanting me as his mate last night. We had sex and he marked me but I’m so scared that I might be pregnant and that he might not ever come back to me. I’m scared that if I am pregnant, that my child would be fatherless or that my mate would reject me again because of a baby. But right now I need my mate.”

Mr. Anonymous fell to his knees whispering, “I’m sorry.” An Irish accent I knew all too well in his voice then as his hoodie fell off reveling…Salem. His hands were clinched into the wet grass as silver tears streamed his face. He then whispered looking at the grass. “Just do it. Yell at me. Scream at me. I don’t care. I had no right to reject you. I had no right to even leave you alone this morning.”

“S-Salem!!” I screamed running to him.

I dropped to my knees in front of him throwing my arms around his neck in a tight hug. Salem automatically buried his face in my neck inhaling deeply before giving a sigh and tightening his strong arms around me.

“Athena, I’m so sorry.” He said looking at me with his beautiful silver eyes. “And baby…baby?” He whispered. “You might be pregnant?”

I gave a weak smile. I honestly hope I was but I was afraid of losing Salem if I was. Would he even want a child?

“Yeah I might be.” I whispered looking down at my stomach and also making it a way to avoid meeting Salem’s eyes if they filled with disappointment.

“I wanna girl.” He whispered suddenly touching my stomach lightly as he spoke. His touch was so gentle and just by that I could tell that if we had a child together, that he would be a great father.

I looked up giggling causing Salem to chuckle as well.

“Well I wanna boy and you know what a women always gets what she wants.” I giggled.

“Already a pain in my ass.” He groaned in a chuckle before taking my face gently in his big hands and kissing me.

Lightning flashed followed by loud clashes of thunder that sounded the thunderstorm around us. I pulled away from Salem, giggling. He stood picking me up in his arms bridle style taking me inside the house before we could get a cold from all the rain the now drenched our hair and clothes. Inside Jessie and Matt were on the couch laughing. They looked up just as Salem sat me down encircling me in his arms. Matt smiled at us as he stood to walk over our way.

“Okay man…you hurt my sister, I skin you as a wolf and use your fur as a nice wolf rug.” Matt chuckled.

“Ya well same goes for you to man, if I see my little sis hurt.” Salem said chuckling also. “I don’t wanna have to hurt my Bata.”

“So your gunna stay Alpha?” Matt asked.

Salem nodded.

“I got my girl now meaning I’ve got an Alpha female but I’m gunna hold off having her as my sexy wife until she’s ready but that’s also if the Elders will allow that to even happen.” I had blushed at the ‘sexy wife’ part of Salem’s mini speak.

I leaned back in his arms.

“Well I’m ready to marry you but you’ll have to ask me and the right way.” I whispered kissing his stubbly chin which made him grin.

“Oh, um, here ya go, Shorty.” He said suddenly pulling away taking something out from his jean pocket. He then put it around my neck securing it there.

I looked down to see that it was my necklace that had been stolen from me by that wolf. Salem had gotten it back for me. I picked it up in my hand to examine it. There was something new about the necklace though. I flipped it over onto the back side to find that the words on the back had been added to:

“Protect this woman.”

“I will.” Salem A.K.A. Mr. Anonymous

I gasped at the sight of it, it was amazing and he did this for me. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes as I kissed him.

“Thank you, Salem. This is incredible. It’s even more beautiful.” I whispered to him.

“Ya, I thought you would like it.” He said all cocky like but with a big playful grin as he kissed me back with the same hunger he had kissed me with last night.

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