Chapter 8

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“Wren!” I heard my brother, call out.

Salem and I had been out at the rock just chatting for over an hour. I was balancing on a few rocks while we talked. He was sitting there watching me. We were laughing and for the first time in a month of being her in Maine, I wasn’t thinking about him being the guy who rejected me the day I got her. But anyway the second time Matt called for me, was the moment we both sighed before jumping into the water to go to the dock where we found Matthew and Derek were lounged on one of the extremely long couches talking out of boredom. Jessie was on the other couch, arms folded and glaring at the two guys.

“What do you want?” I asked sitting on my brother’s lap, wrapping my arms around him neck smiling sweetly at him.

“Jessie knows.” He said softly looking over at her.

“Why the hell does my sister know. My brother, sister, mother, and I tried to keep it that way after…we’ve tried to live a normal life as much as possible for Jessie. But who the hell told her!!!???” Salem roared using his Alpha tome causing us all to flinch.

Matt looked over at Derek who looked up from his phone he was texting on. Derek then cracked a damn fucking grin over at us.

“What did you do?!!” I screamed at him.

Derek made no attempt to respond. I sighed heavily turning to look at my best friend.

“What do you wanna know Jes?” I asked her getting off of my brother’s lap.

Jessie looked up at me.

“Why haven’t you said anything to me?” She asked looking at me with those lime green eyes of hers. She wasn’t just talking to me I could tell, but Salem as well.

It was I who answered her.

“Werewolves aren’t a loud to tell humans of our existence unless they are mated to a human.” I answered.

“Oh, um, okay.” She said softly. “So um, what’s a mate?”

I bit my lip.

“A mate…is like a soul mate. Your life partner. Your other half. Mates are alike in so many ways yet different all in the same. They complement each other in everything they do. Look you’re asking the wrong person.” I whispered sneaking a look over at my ex-mate.

“What do you mean?” Jessie asked.

I sat down whispering. “Nothing. Now anything else you wanna know?”

Suddenly Jessie got up shaking her head. She stalked over to my brother before smacking him across the face. She then took his face in her hands gently before planting a kiss on his lips.

“I hate you.” She mumbled before turning to me in tears. “I know about werewolf because Matthew told me a while back but when it ever came to him explaining what a mate was, he always zoned out, in a day dream but now I know why.”

Matthey looked down.

“Rejection sucks, huh?” Derek laughed.

Matt let out a rippling growl before he stood. He punched Derek once before stalking off toward the cabin. He mumbled a few choice cuss words at Derek before he was gone. Matt stopped turned toward the woods running for it, shifting into his grey wolf.

“What just happened?” Jessie asked.

“Rejection baby!” Derek laughed.

“SHUT UP!!!!” I snapped. “Do you realize that if she isn’t rejecting him you just made him think so. Do you realize how bad this could turn out?” I was shaking with anger. “Your brother’s mate committed suicide when she found out he was rejecting her! M-m-my father was drunk for nights on end before he moved up here. My teacher’s senior daughter became a fucking prostitute!!”

“Derek, Matt is most likely the kinda guy to drink away his sorrow, sleep with as many girls as he can get for a weekend before committing suicide!” Salem snapped.

“What just happened?!” Jessie asked again this time yelling at us all.

“When a mate acts the way you just did, they’re rejecting the other person in a way. Jes what you just did to Matt made it seem like rejection. We don’t do well with that when I comes from our other half…I should know.”

“What do you mean?” Jessie asked.

“I was rejected the day I got here, just because he didn’t know me and because…he’s an Alpha. He needed an Alpha female before he turned twenty one. He’s what twenty two now. So he’s married. Jessie, I…”

“I’m sorry.” Salem dropped to his knees. His head facing the ground. “I know! I know I messed up! Athena can I make it right?”

Jessie gasped.

“I-I-I don’t know.” I whispered to him.

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