Chapter 10

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Meet me, Love. I will be there at your party. I wanna dance with you, holding you in my arms. I wanna kiss you and finally show you who I really am. Meet me my dear Athena. You’ll know when it’s me. I love you.

Mr. Anonymous

Tonight, Saturday night, was the night of my twentieth birthday. Jessie and I earlier today had spent a little over three hour doing our hair and makeup. My strapless purple mini ball gown dress that reached my knees fit my with perfection as I walked around the dance floor, around the graceful dancers themselves. My hair hung in a curly messy but letting stray hair fall and my bangs escape which were curled on the left side of my face. I was ready to meet Mr. Anonymous. It was around nine thirty, the party had now been going on for an hour now. I adjusted my dark purple for the thousandth time tonight. Where was he?

“You care to dance?” A deep voice slightly familiar, asked.

I turned to see a young man in a black and while suit in front of me. His face covered by a black mask. His lips were curled into a soft smile as he looked down at me.

“Mr. Anonymous.” I whispered causing him to smile even brighten.

“Told you, you’d know when it’s me, Love.” He said softly. “Now can I please dance with you?”

I nodded stepping closer so I could wrap my arms around his neck; he immediately slipped his hands around my waist as he led the dance. We swayed back and forth spinning in circles every so often.

Mr. Anonymous leaned in closely.

“Happy birthday Athena.” He breathed, his hot breath tickling my lips.

The way he said my name…flips or pure awe made my stomach queasy with excitement.

Mr. Anonymous then kissed. My breath caught in my throat at the shock, he was such a good kisser! We kissed and it felt like our lips were molding together. This was so incredible. This feel of his strong arms around me pulling me closer to him. The rapid beat of his heart against my body felt soothing.

“I love you.” I whispered to him suddenly.

His smiled faded as he pulled away. I saw a silver tear slip out from under his black mask, he was a Silverblood. He then looked at me long and hard as he cried.

“I love you more, my Love. So much more then you will ever now. And I mean it.” He whispered before kissing me with pure force, I could just taste the passion behind it all.

It seemed like a life time had passed when he pulled away. He then led me out side to a small gazebo surrounded by a set of woods. Mr. Anonymous then kissed me once more before saying in a soft whisper. “It’s time for you to see who I really am.” But just as he went to remove his mask, he dropped his hand stopping himself as he pushed me behind him.

“What’s going on?” I breathed.

Mr. Anonymous growled and leapt for a wolf that charged from the forest. I screamed as the two collided but I also screamed as I was knocked to the ground. The wolf on top of me slashed at my throat slightly scratching it but ripping off my necklace. The wolf then closed its jaws around my necklace before running away. I looked for Mr. Anonymous but found him just in time; he was shifting, going after the two wolves. Damn his wolf looked so familiar. He reminded me of Silver but with a hint of tan in places. As soon as the shift was over I saw the black mask of his, on the ground. Mr. Anonymous was gone and so I slowly made my way over to his mask. I slowly picked it up and found written in silver:

You have one mask; soon you will have the other.

Mr. Anonymous

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

“Wren!” I heard my brother call. “Time for presents!”

I made my way inside to my brother. I went through my presents in a daze. I got the art studio from my brother and…father. Matt said that dad’s name was still on the card for the saying they got me the studio because it would be my father’s last present to me. Anyway Jessie go me a picture frame that held a picture of the two of us at the age of five, playing dress up in the back yard of her house…that was before my mom and I moved all the way to California. I had more presents then that but the last on I opened was from…Mr. Anonymous who had gotten me a stuffed animal of…his wolf. Wow he was an extremely sweet guy.

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