Chapter 5

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Derek came over a few weeks later; he had been to a camp with his dad for about two weeks. Now he and I were in my room, he was on my bed watching me as my desk but I was distracted by one of my recent notes from Mr. Anonymous.

Athena, my love. My love…I miss you. I wanna see you. I wanna hold you in my arms. I love you.

Mr. Anonymous

The letter came with an orange rose which means desire.

“Hey babe.” I heard Derek say from right behind me.

I suddenly jumped at the sound of his voice. It was so close and…behind me. I immediately clamped the book shut but it was too late, it was out of my hands.

“Mr. Anonymous?” Derek read aloud.

“Give it back Dere.” I whined. “Please?”

Derek growled at me then. He then flipped open the book reading the content of what it held.

“What the hell?” Derek growled. “Have you been going around behind my back with another guy?”

“N-no.” I stammered.

Derek suddenly back handed me before pulling out o lighter and torching my book. I got up and flung myself at him, the journal falling to the ground burning all along the edges. I picked it up and ran to my bathroom before putting it in the sink drenching it with water. I then set it out to dry before I stalked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom to go scream at Derek. He stood there red with anger and with flaring nostrils. Damn he was a fucking possessive dick!

“So what the hell is your problem?” I screamed at him. “Do you even think I could have a perfectly good reason for those notes?”

Derek gave a bitter laugh.

“Oh fuck you, Athena!” He growled. “I’m sure your just playing the innocent victim act!”

“That’s cause I am an innocent victim here, you dick!!” I screamed.

“Bull shit!” He growled slapping me once more.

I flinched away from him immediately touching my cheek that had already been slapped once by him. Tears were forming in my eyes at the pain. Why?! Why did I always pick the abusive ones?!?!?!

“What’s your problem you dick!” I screamed as the tears streamed down my face.

“You are, you bitch!” He screamed back at me.

The screaming went on for an hour or so with him hitting me and me crying for him to stop before my brother walked in when Derek hit me again. Matt pulled Derek away from me growling loudly with pure rage.

“DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SISTER LIKE THAT!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!” Matt growled his silver eyes blazing through the colored contacts of his.

Matt then dragged Derek out of my room so I couldn’t see what he had in store for the guy who had hit his sister more than once. As he did that I went to my bathroom to see how badly my journal was burned but when I opened it all I saw was the burnt edges and the very wet pages but everything was still readable. Thank God!

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