Chapter 4

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Later on in the day Derek had to go home. Apparently his mother, Mrs. Lee had texted him, wanting him to spend time with his father. Derek had cussed at the face. He apparently hated his father, he just wouldn’t tell me why.

Now my brother, father, and I decided to have a little family time, so we went to a local ice cream shop called Fielder’s Choice,  it’s been here for about a good ten years or so. Matt and my father just loved their ice cream. As we walked to the window I jumped onto Matt’s back making him give me a piggy back ride. He held on to my thighs tightly keeping me up right, carrying me to the window. He then held me there while he ordered himself a coffee ice cream.

“You still like mint chocolate chip, right?” He asked looking up at me.

“Yep.” I said grinning as I popped out my “p”.

The clerk smiled at us as she told us. “You two are so adorable.

“Who, my sister….adorable?” Matt asked. “Nah she’s beautiful. Ain’t that right, sister dear?”

I giggled poking his cheek.

“Yep, you’re right brother dearest.” I said.

“You two arguing.” My father asked us before ordering a chocolate chip ice cream.

The clerk smiled before going off to make our ice creams. Around five minutes later we got them. I had both mine and Matt’s ice cream in my hands as Matt carried me over to a picnic table. My father sat down as Matt slide me off his shoulders. I sat down with a grin. Matt then sat down next to me, snagging his coffee ice cream  before I could even sneak a bite but I wound up stealing a bite of his ice cream the same time he did mine.

“So Pumpkin how was your first year of college?” My father asked.

“It’s been good.” I answered. “It’s a lot of differences, I’ve noticed, from high school but it’s been good never the less.”

My father smiled.

“What about you, Matty?” I asked. “What year are you in now?”

“Senior year in the best college ever.” Matt grinned at me goofily. “You should totally go there, it really is a great school. They offer so much in the things people wanna do in life as jobs and it’s amazing.”

I sighed before whispering. “I don’t know what I wanna do in life.”

“Do you still draw, Pumpkin?” My father asked looking into my eyes to know I wasn’t lying to him when I gave him my answer.

So many of my drawing sat in my little art room. I had back in California but for so long that room sat empty of my presence and untouched. I hesitated looking away. Did I really wanna tell my father and my brother that I had stopped drawing  and the rest of my art.

“I-I haven’t for, um, a year. I haven’t had enough, um, time. My Alpha back home trusted me and me only with his kids, so when he or his wife were busy or whatever, they had me watch them.” I explained. “Here I would have the time I needed.”

“Then move up here with us and we’ll buy you an art studio.” Matt said looking at my father who nodded the agreement.

I gasped in shock. Were they really gunna do this for me.

“Are you guys serious?” I asked.

“We sure are, Pumpkin.” My father answered with a large grin.

Oh my gosh! I love them both so much!!


They told me to sleep on the whole living with them, so currently I was in my room getting dressed into my shirt that was like a mini dress on me. I looked over at my desk that had my vase of flowers, well roses…wait there was a new one. A yellow rose which meant “Falling in love”.

I smiled to myself but I was beginning to think that this Anonymous person wasn’t Derek but someone else. But who? I didn’t even wanna think it could be Salem so I’m gunna think otherwise. Salem doesn’t love me!

I slowly walked over to the vase, starring at the roses. I then looked over to see the small pile of one. No two. Three notes. Wait no there was a fourth note now. I picked it up in my hands opening it:

My dearest love forgive me for my stupidity if I hurt you…but please don’t leave me…don’t give up on me so quickly…you can hate me all you want just please don’t leave me. Stay here in Maine. Please…for me.


I sat down on my bed. How’d he know I was asked to stay here in Maine with my brother and father. I was confused by this, was he really watching me like he said he would? I stared at the letter a moment longer before grabbing a black journal that was blank on the inside. I then grabbed a set of double sided tape and a silver sharpie. I then wrote with in silver sharpie on the cover:

Mr. Anonymous

I then took the four letters Mr. Anonymous had sent me and taped them in with the double sided tape. I then labeled what color rose I had gotten with each not and what they meant. Note one and note two had the red roses but the first not had the thornless rose. Then note three was the white and purple tipped rose. Finally my last note had yellow as its rose color.

I closed up the journal then began to doodle a rose on the front of the journal as I thought of Mr. Anonymous.

Mr. Anonymous (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now