Chapter Four: Abience (Parte One)

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"The strong urge to avoid someone or something"

October 12

  Grey eyes taunted her from the depths of her mind. Demons had a way of never letting go. Emerson huffed as her head slammed onto the table. Alone in the kitchen she had nothing but her thoughts for company. Nothing a cup of Rosalyn's chamomile tea couldn't cure, but even that didn't seem like enough. Tea couldn't take away the pain. Only one person could and she certainly wasn't going to go down that road.

The door swung open and Emerson was instantly on her feet. Through the door Millicent walked in with an unknown fae right behind her. Bird was beside her in seconds, perched to attack. She kept a hand on Bird, waiting for Millicent to explain.

Hazel eyes widened when they saw her, but Millicent only sighed in relief. "Emers meet Rowan. Rowan this is Emerson, she's a part of my coven."

The fae smiled, except she got the feeling it wasn't a friendly gesture. "I know who she is. Rena speaks about an Emerson all the time after a few drinks are put in her."

Her ears burned red. Before she could splutter a retort Millicent scowled at the fae and quirked a thick eyebrow.

"This is why we wouldn't be able to work together. I probably would hurt you, like I do right now."

The fae's unnatural gold eyes stopped looking at her as Rowan's focused switched to Millicent. "Et futurae, I would only love you more." The fae winked maddeningly.

Millicent pointed a finger toward the door. "Out!"

The fae pressed a quick kiss to Millicent's lips before walking toward the door. "I'll let you know if we find the shapeshifter or if anything else comes up." And then Rowan was gone.

"Who was that?" Emerson's hands are on her hips before the door is even shut. Millicent locking lips with a fae was anything short of newsworthy.

Millicent sighed, kicking her shoes off. "My fae, the bane of my existence and my spring of information."

She snorted. "Oh, I think you rather like having that pain in an ass following you around."

"You're probably not wrong, but enough about Rowan. Why don't we talk about what he said about Rena, you want to talk about it?"

That the woman I fell in love with and broke my heart still talks about me even though I try my hardest to forget about her? "Not really, let's save it for when I have a few in me as well."

It was Millicent's turn to snort. "Yeah right, like Dana will let any of us drink. We're all underage, there's no way Dana would allow it."

"What Dannie doesn't know won't kill her."

"Famous last words, Emers. Famous last words." Wagging her finger Millicent left the room, Montague flying after her.

She stroked Bird's flank. Though Millicent had a point she didn't think those would be her last words. Her famous last words would probably come from heartbreak or the inability to let a grudge go. Anger was a powerful thing— and all of them had a lot of it. Years had gone by but the pain of loss had yet to let any of them go. All of them had lost family, siblings, friends, a coven. They had lost more than anyone should, and yet people still called for their blood.

Emerson sighed. The Council was to blame along with the Guards of the Veil and she would not be quick to forget that. Bird hooted in her ear, concern in her round brown eyes. She kissed her beak.

"I'm alright, Bird. Don't worry about me."

"Why would Bird be worried about you?" Emrie Michele asked, hanging her jacket up.

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