Chapter Twenty-Six: Orgulous (Part One)

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October 29

   Rosalyn's green healing glow over Emerson's injured eye could not soften the horror her power's took out on her eye. The brutality left an empty eye socket, blood vessels burst, and skin charred and ragged. Or, at least, the damage had been more prominent before their High Priestess took her magic to the injury. Dana gripped her elbows tightly, hugging herself. The entire time Rena was beside Emerson; equally pale and ashen as the Crystal Witch herself. The siren's eyes had never been so flinty and silver before.

A quite, "Rena, you're crushing my hand," croaked from Emerson and Rena blushed, murmuring her own apology.

As Dana watched—and if it had not been clear before, then it was clear now—Rena had never given up her love for Emerson; she held the Crystal Witch so tenderly and stared at Emerson's face with such concern it was obvious what had happened between them in the past had not shattered what they could have now, in the present and future.

Rosalyn swayed. Beside her, in an instant, was Hari; one large arm wrapping around her waist and the other hand going to her forehead, back of his palm touching her skin. The frown tugging at the corners of his mouth was enough to tell everyone Rosalyn was overdoing herself—and the toll of healing was also taking itself on Emerson. The Healer leaned subtly against the dragon, but it was clear Hari was holding up most of her weight. It didn't stop Rosalyn from affectionately ruffling Emerson's sweaty hair.

Emerson managed a weak smile. "I did something stupid—I know—but now all we have to do is retake the Sword and survive through All Hallows Eve. I've found Casimir." Like an afterthought she said the last part with a bit of pride.

If they had thought Emerson was pale, the definition of "pale" changed when Rosalyn processed the last of her words. Despite not having the best feelings toward her at the moment, Dana couldn't help the instinct of wanting to rush forward to catch her as Rosalyn sunk her entire weight into Hari. A nastier part of her, though, whispered she deserves this; deserves to feel some of the pain I'm feeling. Part of her being was still focused on Eytelis, who still slept in her bedroom, peaceful as a still day.

"You've what?" This was Emrie Michele, edging forward enough the colors of her eyes could be seen; bright and unnerving.

Words hoarse, Emerson responded, "I said ... I've found Casimir—he ... I recognized the cavern that you described to us and it didn't take long to find Casimir himself in that horrible place."

The urge to have the Sword in their grasp drove through Dana like a hammer to a nail. She felt the need so strongly she nearly took a step back, out of the room, before she got a hold of herself and shook her head. She wasn't sure where this sensation came from, but a part of her wondered if it came from her offering to be the one to retrieve the Sword—that the Mother Goddess was trying to speak with her, or tell her it was important they get the Sword now.

As if sensing her thoughts, and it was likely she had, Millicent's hazel gaze captured Dana's and the Dreamwalker tilted her head ever so slightly.

You think my sister may have known this entire time where Casimir was? The accusation was soft and subtle, but the fact that Millicent's voice was so carefully devoid of too much emotion brought shivers up Dana's spine.

She answered, No ... maybe—but only because she has direct access to his mind. Dana couldn't keep eye contact with Millicent and dropped her gaze.

If that's what you think, then you need to get your head out of your ass and realize we've all been dealing with our own shit. Lys would never keep something like that from us—not when so many lives, and ours, depend upon us stopping him. And, would you want to step inside that man's head just because there was a bridge built unwillingly?

Daughters of Creationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें