Chapter Seventeen: Argonaut (Part Three)

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The material of the Guard's uniform clung uncomfortably to her skin. It was as if it knew she was an imposter. Millicent pulled at the sleeves of her newfound attire, again. It had taken two days to get everything together, to plan, to figure out.

"If you don't stop playing with you're clothing they'll know with a single look, maiori." Rowan's dry drawl coated the air.

She shot the fae a quick glare, eyes narrowed into slits. She heard the amusement underneath Rowan's tone. Coupled with how annoying the Guard's armor was, she was not in the mood—not even the excitement of beginning their retrieval lifted her spirits. Possibly, a part of it was due to having to leave her sister and the others, but a large part was the knowledge that she finally caved and asked for help concerning her powers. Albeit, she knew what she was doing was for the better, but the sting still lanced heavily through her.

"Rowan's right. You're in the image of Andre, who would feel comfortable in the armor. Picking at it isn't true to his character." Dana smiled apologetically, siding with the fae, her old self slowly returning.

Millicent blew through her nose and lifted her chin in indignation. She could feel Dana's magic floating over her skin, holding the illusion of Andre's face and body structure over her own. Every tinted glass window she passed it was Andre that stared back at her, at first she had been amused but now she just wanted to get through the Gates and shed the illusion. Like the armor the illusion felt too tight over her skin, stretched in the wrong places and itchy.

"We'll be to the Gates soon," Ezra said, as if reading her mind.

Emrie Michele scanned the area around them, grey eyes cool in their calculation. Veiled in the image of Rena, Emrie Michele cut an imposing figure in the Guard's uniform next to Ezra. So far they hadn't ran into any trouble, the status of the Five keeping most divine scurrying the opposite way and other Guards dipping back into the shadows, but that didn't stop her from regarding those around them suspiciously. With her calm attitude she was the best fit to play the role of Rena—and as she walked, shoulders set purposefully and face etched in challenge, Millicent knew they'd made the right choice.

"Once we get to the Gates we'll let Ezra and Rowan do the talking. Rena normally only steps in if the Guards are giving them trouble in passing, so I'll stick to the sidelines so we don't screw anything up."

Hari's gentle features flickered with worry and Dana's tight expression bled through the illusion before Hari's character was back. "For some reason, even though we've known them for a long time, I feel like I don't know enough of their mannerisms to do this." She voiced all their worries.

Ezra's cold eyes roved over the three of them. "Stand a little straighter Dana. Millicent look a little less scowly. And Emrie Michele put a little haughtiness in your expression." He smirked. "There, you'll be fine."

Millicent's fingers twitched. A cool hand took hold of hers, adding just the right amount of pressure to keep her from letting her magic flow and do what it desired. Starting, she glanced over and met Rowan's gaze. Simmering golden eyes stared back and the fae's impassive expression gave little away as Rowan continued to hold her hand. The impulsive flare of her powers melted away and fizzled until she felt in control again. By the relaxing grip around her hand she knew Rowan was aware of her stability, but the fae still kept their hands entwined. Her blood warmed, but not with magic.

"I'd choose your words carefully, Kyran." Rowan warned softly, tone indifferent yet eyes flashing, dark, dangerous.

The vampire quirked an eyebrow, but only made a noise in the back of his throat. It was Emrie Michele and Dana who casted knowing looks at each other and it was Emrie Michele who jabbed her elbow into the soft tissue between his ribs. Ezra grunted and glared.

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