Chapter Eleven: Indelible (Part Two)

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October 15

Vela's eyes felt swollen, her limbs heavy from lack of sleep. They had spent most of the night coming up with scenarios that could prove fatal and working out the flaws. It was true they could not prepare for everything, but Vela did not feel as stressed anymore—or maybe she was too tired to feel the same amount of stress she did the previous night? Andre had been reluctant to leave and she had yet to tell him of her answer, but a firm look from Emrie Michele made it clear none of the Guards would be staying the night. (Even Hari had left, trailing after the other members of his group, looking tired and worried, politely bidding them all goodnight). Emrie Michele had studied her closely and Vela felt like the witch was searching the inner depths of her soul before she had nodded in approval and headed for Rosalyn's room.

"Get any sleep?" a soft voice brought Vela back.

She turned her head, smiling slightly at the sight of Andre. "No, not really."

"Me neither, but I don't think anyone did ... at least not really."

"Do you think we'll actually be able to find the missing records?"

"If the records could be anywhere it would be in the hands of the Council." Andre said darkly.

A bitter taste rose in both their throats. Vela hoped. If the Council didn't have the records then the history of the Originals would truly be lost to them and the haunches they had on the person behind all the kidnappings and murders wouldn't go further than than that: haunches. Rosalyn did not go through a curse for them not to get some answers; Emrie Michele did not go through horrible visions for them not to get some answers; none of them had gone through the attempted murder to not get some answers. If the Council didn't have the records than Vela was going to wring someone's neck with her own hands for their incompetence.

"Did anyone cast any spells on you before you came here?" Rena broke into their conversation, approaching in calculated, brisk strides. The rest of her team followed behind her; their lithe figures outfitted in their normal black gear. The entire group wore grim expressions and Vela's nerves suddenly swarmed back to her in full force.

She shook her head. "No, we know better than that. Millicent's placed a rune for safekeeping on me but since it's not a spell and is a part of her magic it will go undetected by Oleander Hold."

"Good, we can't afford for anyone to detect any magic. No Guard is allowed to have any item enchanted or spelled by a witch, if someone is found to have violated this rule then that Guard is stripped of their rank and put back to the First Years." Her tone was cold, too used to the way of Oleander Hold to show the effects it had on her.

"Each year someone messes up and brings something in and whoever the victim is they're always made an example of by the Commander." Ezra tightened his gloves, flexing his fingers as the strange metal formed like a second skin over his hands.

Andre shuddered beside Vela, his mouth tightening in memory. For the first time she was thankful the Guards of the Veil (mainly the Council) refused to allow any witches inside the halls of Oleander Hold or among the ranks of the Guards. She didn't think she could withstand the brutality of Oleander Hold, remain in the midst of the same people that had murdered her entire family and coven. The whispers told of the training grounds were ghost stories told to the young children by their parents to keep them in line; that the Council would find them if they were being bad and whisk them away to Oleander Hold where they would never see their families again. A lie, but it kept most of the children in line and built the reputation of Oleander Hold's cruelty to the Council's benefit.

Hari shot her a small smile. Vela returned it. "You'll have to stay hidden before we walk in and remain invisible until we get to the Upper Levels where there will be less Guards."

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