Chapter Twenty-Eight: Súton

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"Twilight, the approach of death or the end of something"

Twilight Hour

  It was chaos, everything around her had been destroyed. The entire ballroom reduced to debris and dust and moans. Through the pain, she searched for the others but couldn't see them, and moving any part of her body hurt too much for her to crane her neck.

Hands slid under her, lifting her up like she weighed nothing, the folds of her skirt falling around her legs and trailing towards the ground. Pain shot through every muscle of her being and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to drown out the searing. But, the person whose hands held her, the magic belonging to this person, screamed wrongness. She forced her eyes open. A scream built in her throat.


"Millicent!" a piercing scream split the air, calling her name in a bone-chilling terror Millicent had never heard before.

Millicent tore her gaze away from Casimir—who barely looked older than her sister—and found Rosalyn in the chaos. Her gown was torn and bloody, a gash on her forehead, stark against the drained color of her face. True horror lit her sister's face and Millicent knew Rosalyn's worst nightmare was coming true.

She tried to struggle, but her body and the iron grip Casimir held her in, made it impossible for escape.


Hand outstretched, Millicent tried to reach for Rosalyn when everything blinked from existence.

The last thing she saw was her sister's bloodstained face.


(I don't own the photos, but I did make the aesthetic :) )

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(I don't own the photos, but I did make the aesthetic :) )

Two more chapters to go!

I want to give an enormous thanks to everyone who has read this book and has traveled with me through the journey and to the point we're at now!

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