Chapter Twenty-Seven: Advesperascit (Part Two)

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    Emrie Michele slipped up to the rooftop, breathing in the crisp October night air. It was close to midnight, October thirtieth only a few hours away. She leaned against the edge of the roof, brick digging into her forearms as her head tilted back, eyes roaming over the stars. Some of the tension ebbed from her shoulders. If she concentrated hard enough she could pick the moisture out of the air.

"I thought you'd be up here," a smooth voice spoke close to her ear.

She tilted her head, eyes sliding from the stars to Ezra's handsome features. In the moonlight his skin was doused in a silver sheen, eyes more grey than light blue. Her breath caught. Ezra really was beautiful. Sharp and deadly like a blade, ready to defend and protect, but with her he showed her another side; a side that was warm and comforting like standing in the ocean with the heat of the sun kissing the plains of your face.

She laughed softly, enjoying the flicker of his eyes to her lips. "Well, you found me."

He grinned lazily. "So, I did."

"And what does that entail for me?" she couldn't fight the coy smile trying to take hold of her. Emrie Michele turned fully to him, their arms brushing as she did.

Ezra's body angled toward her, one of his hands raising so his fingers could graze the side of her face. His fingers moved, tangling in the tresses of her hair. He sighed softly, his hand curling around until he cupped the base of her neck. "A promise."

She hummed curiously, playing along. "A promise to what?"

His other arm left the edge of the wall, winding around her waist and resting at the small of her back. He drew her closer and she went willingly. Falling against him, Emrie Michele's fingers curled into the soft fabric of the black shirt he wore, his Guard uniform left back in the library with the rest of his team members'. He smelled of steel and cinnamon and purely hers.

"A promise for later," Ezra's voice was husky in her ear, the warmth of his breath warming the shell of her ear. 

Emrie Michele smiled, pressing closer to him until they were standing chest to chest. The hunger in his eyes was palpable. Pink dusted her cheeks as his fingers dug into her skin, causing her toes to curl. Emrie Michele didn't care if he could hear how fast her heart was racing; she had long since accepted there was no out running Ezra Kyran and she was just as equally his as he was hers.

"We should be inside, with the others, trying to sleep ..." 

He was close enough she could count the lone freckles dotted across his face. One under his eye ... one on the corner of his opposite cheek ... a little one dotting his jawline. Her own personal stars to map. Her fingers trailed across his chest, muscles rippling under her touch. Ezra shuddered under her touch, a low rumble vibrating through him. With his hand cradling her head, he brought her to him; lips brushing feather light at first before coming back firmer after hearing her noise of complaint.

Emrie Michele met the fire in his touch with her own, sinking into the buzz the state of his kisses left her in. Her hands left his shirt, curling around his face and forcibly drawing him to her, their skin flushed against each other. As their kisses became more passionate, Ezra backed her against the brick wall of the rooftop; pinning her between him and the wall. His hands left trials of consumption in their wake, leaving her shivering and wanting for more. His head lowered, pressing a kiss to the spot where her neck met her shoulders, and he smirked when she groaned.


He worked his way back to her jaw, nipping her ear with a throaty chuckle. "Do you really want to go back inside? I think we're amusing ourselves just fine up here. Hmm, dulce meum?"

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