Chapter Seven: Syzygy

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  "The alignment of three celestial bodies in a straight line, commonly the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon"

October 14

Hand wrapped tightly around Rosalyn's, Emrie Michele pushed through the nearly immovable sea of divine. Earlier that morning Dana had unloaded her previous night's adventure during breakfast, sending Rosalyn and her on a trip to the Library of Strey.

"Will Hari meet us there?" she asked, voice barely above a whisper. One could never be too careful on who could be listening in.

Rosalyn's green eyes sparked under her cloak, dew from the early morning's shower clothing her in watery droplets. There was both anticipation and nervousness clashing in her eyes. "After I sent my message he responded that he would, but who knows. He's a Guard, after all. With the murders happening they're not allowed as much freedom."

Emrie Michele's lips pursed. Like animals chained. A dangerous game the Council plays, keeping such a tight hold on the Guards of the Veil. The tighter someone held onto something the faster it slipped through their fingers. She waited for the day the Guards of the Veil rebelled against the strict rules of the Council. They continued on in silence, the towering building of the library looming closer and closer. Its white marbled structure gleamed in the shafts of sunlight filtering through the dense overhanging clouds, golden veins twinkling. The two hurried up the wide stairs leading up, seeking the dryness the entrance would offer them. She could feel the dampness deep in her bones, chilling her to the very core.

Rosalyn glanced at her, as if sensing her thoughts, and brought her closer. Her eyes saying, I will protect you. Emrie Michele bit her lip. Rosalyn was always busy protecting them ... who would protect her? Me, a strong voice resonated in her. She squeezed the warm hand that held hers, silently promising her own vows. She would protect everyone in the coven. Dark, arching oak doors casted a shadow over them, the same golden veins snaking in delicate designs. As they passed through the doors Emrie Michele could feel the warm welcoming buzz of the library's magic. Rosalyn's sigh told her she had felt the same thing. If the Guards had truly been smart they would have staked out the library and captured them there, but she had a feeling Rena had stopped the very thing from happening.

"There." Rosalyn pointed to a large figure tucked away in a far corner.

She let her senses roam over the person, seeking for deception, but the familiar heat of Hari's presence on her magic spoke of no lies. She nodded her head and together they headed over to the destruction Guard. She glanced at Rosalyn from the corner of her eye, searching for any sign of joy from the other girl at seeing the handsome Flower Boy, but if Rosalyn did feel anything she kept it locked away behind a neutral expression.

It wasn't until they pulled chairs aside that Hari's head snapped up, dark eyes looking at her first before falling onto Rosalyn and remaining there. A soft, melting smile took over Hari's chiseled features as he refused to look away from the stubborn witch. Emrie Michele held back a sigh. Rosalyn's stubbornness might just be the death of her— of both of them.

"I took the liberty of gathering some of the books already." Hari's warm voice rumbled over them, one large hand waving over the thick cluster of books.

"Some?" Rosalyn quirked an eyebrow, amusement finally breaking over her stony expression.

Hari chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I might have gotten carried away. I do tend to hoard things."

Emrie Michele couldn't help but laugh. The boy might be a Guard, but he might just be worthy of their Rosalyn. "How long have you been here?"

"A couple hours. I've been up well before the sun rose. Our last missing divine has got us searching desperately. We're hoping to find the shapeshifter before the kidnapper can get past the Veil."

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