Chapter Twenty-Seven: Advesperascit (Part Four)

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  The October air chilled her breath, escaping in little white puffs. True to their instructions, the Five flanked each member of the coven; save Dana, who walked hand-in-hand with Eytelis. If only the Council knew just how willing this group of Guards were in obeying this one command.

Emrie Michele strode next to Ezra, her arm in his. The streets were too crowded for carriages or other modes of transportation besides walking. It barely mattered, though, because when the divine noticed the elegantly dressed witches and their deadly escort they parted as if witnessing gods. It would have made her uncomfortable if it weren't for the vampire walking with utter confidence alongside her. Ezra accepted their reactions with practiced ease, not so much as glancing in their direction.

"The staring is only going to get worse once we're inside Oleander." He muttered under his breath, low enough for only her ears.

She sighed, but didn't let her shoulders slump. "You would think after years of living with everyone constantly watching us we'd be used to the looks."

Ezra shook his head gently, grey eyes briefly darting to hers before reverting back to the cobblestones in front of them. "What happened to you six should have never been allowed. Not all within the Veil agree with the Council's decision that night."

"I know ..." Emrie Michele let her words trickle off, unable to find the words to describe what she was feeling. She didn't she could have put words to the storm of emotions going on inside of her even if she'd wanted to.

Ezra accepted the little she offered, tightening his hold on her to give her the reassurance physical touch could. Her gaze shifted to Rosalyn, watching. Their High Priestess lead their small procession, head held high and stare challenging. Hari was a sharp contrast beside her, the normal gentle expression his face normally rested in was gone; a cold and unforgiving hardness taking its place. Surprisingly, it had been Rena who suggested Rosalyn walk in the front and she take the back—surprising because as the Heir to the Guards there was no doubt the Council expected their prized pupil to be leading the show of control.

Each member of their coven fanned out behind Rosalyn in a tight, compacted pyramid formation. Emrie Michele and Millicent flanked the first row behind her; Emrie Michele on her right and Millicent to the left. Millicent's position should have been in the center where Emerson stood, but the Crystal Witch had shaken her head when Millicent had stood there and nudged the younger witch up behind her sister.

"It's time we showed them the strength of our blood." Emerson had whispered.

So now Emerson stood in the middle, Dana and Vela on either side. On the tactical side, it made sense to have the second in command protected if anything should happen to the commander. But, Emrie Michele gritted her teeth, they weren't going to let anything happen to each other tonight.

The tether all of them felt towards the Veil snapped taught as Oleander Hold loomed above them. In her wandering thoughts, the twelve of them had made it. A singular breath seemed to go through all of them, shoulders straightening and chins lifting.

Green met blue. Emrie Michele nodded minutely and Rosalyn stepped up to the deadly gates that had dictated their safety for so long. The normal hassle they might have been given wasn't there tonight as the Guards expressionlessly waved them through. There were too many divine trying to get into the Ball for the Guards to cause a scene or try and hold them up. The sight of the Five might have also had something to do with it.

Oleander Hold's grounds had been transformed. The barracks were nearly invisible, instead hedges had been planted along the walkway to the steps of the dark castle-like structure that marked the centerpiece of the entire Hold. The inkiness of the material the castle was made out of seemed to gleam particularly brighter tonight, as if absorbing the light of the stars above their heads and stealing the glow of the moon.

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