Chapter Four: Abience (Part Two)

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 Emerson's heart jumped in her chest, recognizing who was talking to her before her own brain could catch up. Rena. She closed her eyes, finding a false sense of strength, before turning. The siren Guard was already watching her when she opened her eyes; stormy grey eyes piercing under long, dark lashes, and red lips as inviting as the first time Emerson had met her. Her breath hitched.

"I'd decline the offer even if I was finished." She managed to find her voice, proud she didn't waver.

Rosalyn appeared by her side, a physical force of resistance and support. Green eyes clashed with grey and Emerson feared a battle of wills—possibly bloodshed. She took a step between them, even though her body begged to get closer while her mind shuddered with hate.

"What are you doing here, Rena?"

Wild as the music playing, Rena smiled dangerously, red hair gleaming in the flashing lights. "I sing at all of Steve's party. Allows me some extra pocket money and gives me the chance to run into my sweet Emerson."

By the look of fierce protection etched across Rosalyn's features, Emerson didn't think the green witch was buying Rena's words. The siren's charm and hypnotic voice lost entirely on Rosalyn. "Oh? And are you sure it's not so you can keep an eye on us? You're still a Guard, Rena."

Fire flashed in Rena's dark eyes. "Not all Guards are alike, Rosalyn. I want to change the Guards, and my team believes in the same goals as I do. I don't have to keep an eye on your coven. The six of you watch out for each other better than I could protect you, so no, I am not here to keep an eye on you."

She took Rena's hand, electricity flooding her body at the contact. Rena's attention was on her in seconds, the intensity of her gaze startling. She broke eye contact and pulled Rena away, moving through the mass of writhing bodies.

"What are you really doing here, Rena? You're one of the top Captains of the Guards, they wouldn't just let you wander without their say so." They both knew she was referring to the Council and the other Guards.

Her savior and demon tugged her to a halt. "I came looking for you, Emmie."

She closed her eyes, pain tightening her chest, at the sound of Rena's nickname for her. This was the voice that kept her awake at night, the face that made her heart both throb and constrict, this was the girl who had gained her love and broken her trust.

"It's over, Ren. I can't ... I can't, you know I can't."

It seemed Rena was also pained by the usage of her nickname. "The first time I ever saw you, asking a friend which crystal matched your breasts better, I knew you would change my life. I had to know you, I had to find out who that clumsy witch with a sweet voice was. And when I got the chance, I took it, and hoped you would want to know me as well. You're all I think about, Emerson. I haven't stopped loving you, you have to know that."

The alcohol in her veins made her world dizzy, but she knew it wasn't just the alcohol making her lightheaded.

She didn't know how she ended up here, but Emerson found herself sitting at a bar with her good pal self pity and her best friend revenge. She glanced around. She'd never been here before, having wandered until her feet brought her somewhere she wouldn't run into anyone she knew. She was impressed. The bar wasn't a hole-in-the-dirt-type of place she had been expecting. It wasn't the cleanest place either, but it had a rustic, tavern feel she sometimes read about in Rosalyn's and Emrie Michele's books.

Dim lights made it harder to see faces, but she as okay with that: if she had a hard time seeing faces then others had a hard time seeing her face. A second hand piano clung to the far corner of the bar, wedged between the edge of a slightly raised stage and a large potted plant from the Cliffs of Kliazarene, its sharp leaves jagged like the rocks it came from. Subconsciously she thought of Rosalyn, wondering if she had the species in her collection? Emerson sighed, flagging the bartender.

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