Chapter Nineteen: Virago (Part Two)

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  She reopened her eyes, letting go of Vela's hand. Hari motioned that they should ready be if anything should happen and stepped forward. Without the threads floating around her vision the ash tree looked liked any other ash tree Emerson had seen before, there didn't seem to be anything special about it. And that was probably why dryads managed to remain safe in plain sight.

In a language that sounded like air and rolling stones and the rushing of water, Hari knelt before the tree, looking far more elegant than any Guard had before. The dragon appeared almost royal in the weak light; the sun pooling around him through the canopy, the slope of his shoulders set proudly as he bowed his head. Emerson blinked and the image was gone. Hari was standing and the ash tree had begun to move.

Bark peeled from either sides, the ash tree opening like a bird unfurling its wings, to reveal the fragile form of a white haired woman. Misty green eyes blinked open, pink lips parting in surprise as she looked at their trio gathered in front of her tree, her host.

"You spoke the language of not only dryads, but of my host as well ... How strange." The woman's voice was airy, soft like newly formed leaves rustling in the air. "Where did you learn to speak nature's tongue?"

Eyes sharp like the dragon he was, Hari inclined his head toward the dryad. He took his time in responding, as if choosing his words carefully. "I am from the Nar Courts, a dragon from the Fires of Kae in the Mountains of Iokletara."

He gave very little, but the dryad seemed to understand what it had meant, even seemed pleased. "I am called Lynne, the dryad of this ash tree. More importantly I have a sister who's host remains there. She speaks highly of you, amyr."

Hari shifted, dark eyes glancing at where Emerson and Vela stood. For the first time he appeared uneasy. She couldn't help wondering why. Hari looked away from them, focusing his gaze back onto the dryad.

He dipped his head again. "Thank you, m'lady."

The dryad giggled, a tan hand coming to her mouth as she tittered. "I'm sure many are jealous of that little Green Witch. Snaring you around her finger when she did."

That had been the wrong thing to say. Hari shifted again, but this time it wasn't unease that made him move, it was anger. His eyes flashed, his pupils no longer like Vela's or her own. "I encourage you to think before you speak again about her, m'lady. You know who you're speaking to, when it comes to her other opinions hold very little water."

Misty eyes widened and the giggling stopped. "Oh, no, I didn't mean it in a bad way—at least not on my part. The Earth has marked her as its own, I hold no ill will towards the witch and certainly not the relationship between you two. I was simply ... remarking on what my sisters have whispered."

Neither Emerson nor Vela were a hundred percent sure of what was going on, but they didn't like the implication that was being implied about Rosalyn. The sunlight seemed to brighten as the shadows darkened and Emerson knew Vela was trying to control her magic. She herself was trying to keep the energy around them from exploding. The dryad shifted from Hari, locking onto them, and she took in the entire situation.

"It seems I've offended when it wasn't intended." The dryad frowned, bowing her head. "I apologize. I, personally, would never speak ill of the Earth's daughter. Forgive my offhanded comment, I hadn't thought it all through very well."

Hari lifted his chin. "Just remember who you're speaking of. She's not just some Green Witch, she's Rosalyn Octavius, the High Priestess of the Coven of Strey and she's mine, the habibti rouhi. It'll do well that you, and others, remember that."

The ash tree dryad dipped her head further, a blush claiming her cheeks. "I again, apologize, amyr. I meant no disrespect. Forgive me, coven sisters."

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