Chapter Eighteen: Kalon (Part One)

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"Beauty that is more than skin-deep"

October 19

  Watching the ones she cared about begin an adventure where she had no control over took a piece of Vela. Even watching them in the form of another hit harder than she thought it would. If it wasn't for the comforting warmth coming from Andre or the strong hand of Rosalyn's around hers, Vela was certain she would have been unable to watch. Their coven had always been together; this would be the first time their coven didn't confront an obstacle together.

"Promise you'll send a message through Mila if something happens to Eytelis ... or Dae?" Dana stopped at the bottom of the stairs, wind blowing her hair about her shoulders as she gazed up at her remaining coven sisters.

Rosalyn nodded instantly. "Of course, Dannie. If anything changes I'll send word immediately. Hari and I will continue to do our best."

Vela felt more than saw the shadows curl around Dana, the concern and worry having a negative impact on her soul. A frown tipped her lips down. Would her coven sister be able to make the journey to find the Sea Witch?

"I'm worried about her," Emerson followed Dana and the small party as their figures drew away from them.

"Millicent and Emrie Michele are with her, they'll look after her."

Rosalyn glanced at them, shooting them an encouraging smile. "They'll find the Sea Witch and we'll get the names of the Eight." Her smile wavered. "It's our job to keep Eytelis alive, that's where we'll find our hardships."

Emerson swallowed thickly. "Tell us honestly, Lys, is she going to make it."

Vela watched as their High Priestess bit her lip, green eyes darkening. "I pray to the Mother Goddess she will, but Hari and I just don't know. I'm trying everything I know about healing—even going further into my books—but since she was attacked by Abaddon's son I have no idea what she's fighting against. Magic I'm not even aware of could have been used."

"But you didn't tell Dana this." Rena spoke up, grey eyes shifting from watching her comrades to them.

Vela felt a shiver go down her spine at the siren's look in her eye. Hari laid a hand on his leader's shoulder. "I told her not to. If Dana knew she wouldn't have agreed to go and Eytelis told her she would wait. I know what it's like to stay instead of going ... It was the worst mistake in the world — well, one of the worst mistakes I've made in my life. There was nothing I could do and staying only added salt to the wound." 

Rena sighed and her gaze softened. "You're right. I just don't want anything else to happen to our team. We've all suffered enough."

"Our team?" Rosalyn rose an eyebrow.

Vela and Emerson winced, ready to defuse the situation. Even Andre looked like he was preparing himself. It was only Hari who remained calm.

"Have a problem with that?" Rena raised her chin, the siren in her resonating in her tone. Vela felt Emerson stiffen beside her.

Rosalyn exhaled, shaking her head while smiling. "Quite the opposite actually. I like it." She looked past them all, staring where the rest of their people had disappeared. "Our Team." 

Vela watched Hari as he stared fondly at Rosalyn, a tender warmth in his eyes. She wished someone would look at her the way Hari looked at Rosalyn. Her eyes drifted slightly, landing on Andre. Heat rose to her cheeks. Someone did look at her in that way. She shyly raised her eyes again, meeting Andre's bright hazel stare. Maybe it wasn't the right time—maybe it would never be the right time—but she wanted to tell Andre, she wanted to tell him she wanted to be his mate.

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