Chapter Nineteen: Virago (Part One)

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"A strong, brave, or warlike woman; a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities"

October 19

  Emerson couldn't tell what had changed until she caught sight of Andre and Vela nestled together on the couch, sound asleep. She had never seen Vela so peacefully asleep, normally tossing and turning from nightmares, but the Light Witch remained blissful in her slumber wrapped up in the werewolf's arms. Her heart constricted. Emerson knew what it was like to be held by the person you loved, but she had long since locked those memories away. Though the desire to keep them away was becoming weaker and weaker the longer they worked directly alongside the Five.

Working, laughing, talking, and being with Rena when she went with them to Mr. Menyr's apartment was awakening all the dormant feelings Emerson had been able to keep pushed down rushing back to the surface. On top of that she couldn't get that female Guard's face out of her mind. She'd stared at Rena with such open adoration that Emerson couldn't help the slight curl of her upper lip. She knew that look perfectly well: she used to stare at Rena like that.

"I've been wondering when they would figure things out." Rena's low, sultry voice sent shivers down Emerson's spine as the siren appeared.

Emerson glanced at her from the corner of her eye: Rena's fiery locks were slightly messy, as if she'd moved about a lot in her sleep, but the shadows underneath her eyes weren't as prominent. Emerson hid a smile. When she knew Rena had completely fallen asleep she had snuck into the library and calmed the swirling vortex of her emotions so she'd be able to sleep for once. She knew Rena didn't sleep well—like the rest of them—but the siren took everything upon her shoulders as if it were entirely hers alone to bear.

"She told him then?"

Rena's grey eyes slid away from her team member and onto her. Instead of answering Emerson she said, "Thank you, for what you did."

Emerson feigned ignorance. "What?"

She tweaked Emerson's nose. "Don't play dumb, Ems. I know you helped soothe my emotions after I was asleep."

Not so much soothes her emotions, more like her energy. She swatted Rena's hand away, unable to stop herself from chuckling. It's becoming harder to distance myself from her. The energy around Rena was finally less restless, more grounded and at ease for the first time since she'd walked into their apartment offering to work together for this case. "I know you can't sleep and we all need our rest, no need for thanks. I'd do it for anyone." She said softly.

Rena tilted her head, watching her through intoxicating eyes. She was as much enchanting as she was sharp. "Thank you anyways, Emerson. I know things haven't been ... easy for you with me so close."

Emerson jumped at Rena's words, startled. Her head whipped to face the siren, eyes wide. Her ears burned and she began fidgeting, unsure what to do with her hands as her mouth opened and closed as she tried to think of anything to say. Nothing was coming to mind. She looked like an idiot. Nothing like that female Guard, who looked so sure of herself. A flare of jealousy bit hard and it finally snapped Emerson out of her shocked silence.

She sighed. "It's partly my fault, I'm being childish when it comes to us—trust me, both Lys and V have been more than willing to tell me during my pity parties I'm inflicting half of this onto myself—but I just don't know how I feel anymore. I used to be so sure of my anger."

Rena didn't reach out, but the energy around her intensified and to Emerson it was as if she'd touched her anyways. She wanted to run but she knew it was time she stopped running. Emerson reached out and tamed down the wilder pieces of Rena's mane with steady hands, an unsure smile twisting her lips.

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