Twenty One

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"Hey Jc! This your girl?" Anthony stumbled towards us with not a shot of vodka, but the whole bottle.

Jc smiled and nodded.
"Yes, I'm his girlfriend. Are you encouraging him to drink? Because I'd prefer you not do that."

He chuckled and pushed his hair that looked greasy and never combed back.
"He's a grown man lady. He does what he wants."

Jc looked at me unsure.
"I do what she wants."

Yeah you do.

"Don't let your girl treat you like that man."

"Your actually retarded, aren't you?"

He rolled his eyes and took another sip from the bottle, I watched him squint his eyes as the burn went down HIS throat.

"You know, people usually take that in shots, not chugs."

"Yeah and why do you care?"


"Not a good enough reason for me to quit." He shrugged.

"Oh so then did you want to die?"

He chuckled.
"Yes, if your saying if I don't stop you're going to kill me, please do."

"I'm not going to kill you."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"My brother died from doing what you're doing."

"That makes me want to drink even more. Okay can you leave now?"

"Why are you this way?"

"What way?"

"What way do you think?"

"Because. Now leave. Jc come back another time."

"I don't think I will."

"You can if you want, but I swear if you ever do drugs. If you ever come back a drunk mess."

He shook his head.
"He isn't great, he's kind of an ass."

We walked out of there and went home.




"Hey guys!" Kian was in front of a camera and Maci was beside him, as we walked in the door behind him.

"Sorry if there's a bunch of noise in the background, those two just go home."

We smiled and waved at the camera.
"Introduce yourselves." Kian demanded.

"My name is Jeff." Jc said and shoved his face far into the camera.

"Yeah and I'm Jazmyn." I chuckled and went back into the kitchen.

"Babe, let's throw ice at them." Jc whispered, making me laugh.

I nodded and we both grabbed huge handfuls of ice.

"One, two, three." And we threw it at them, in a soft motion.

"COLD!" Maci screamed and stood up, shaking ice out of her shirt.

Kian laughed and put a piece he caught into his mouth, crunching it.

"I hate you." She complained.

"What if we make chicken nuggets?" I offer.

Her eyes lit up. "Really?"

I nodded.

She nodded back and I stuck twenty nuggets into the oven. Ten for me, ten for Jc.

The oven beeped and Maci ran in.
"Here Jc." I handed him a plate with nuggets and prepared the other one for myself.

"Where's mine?"

I shrugged.
"Not sure."

She pouted and I laughed, giving her my plate and making ten more for Kian and I.

As you can tell, if we ever run out of chicken nuggets we'll all be a mess.

"So how was meeting his friend?" Maci asked, they were done with their video.

"I wouldn't like to talk about it pal." I smiled and finished my food. Throwing the trash away.

She nodded.
"So I've had an idea."


"I think we should get a dog."

We all looked at her wide eyed.
"you're allergic."

"I know, let's get a hairless one."

"I have a dog, but he's at home." Jc said.


He nodded.

"Let's have two dogs!" She chanted.

"Three." I demanded, wanting one for myself.

"Four." Kian raised.

"No." Jc laughed.

"Yes." I pouted.


Only Two // Jccaylen//Where stories live. Discover now