20. Dancing With The Truth

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I ran my hand around the annoying, vibrating phone. My hand touched something hard and I grabbed it. I ignored the caller ID and just picked up the call.

"What? I snapped.

"Woah, easy!" Ethan said pretended to be hurt.

"Oh sorry, I'm just cranky, tired," I explained.

"Mmh well you had a big day. Do you think you could make it longer?"

"What do you mean," I questioned.

"Wanna go out somewhere tonight?"

I let out a long sigh.

"yes, that is exactly what I need,"

"Ok I pick you up in 10,''

I hung up and set down the phone and pulled the covers off my legs. I turned on the radio and the Chainsmokers and Coldplay's 'something like this' came on, I smiled and turned it up. I opened my closet and skimmed through my options. I found a black dress, the shoulder part of the sleeves were missing, and the top half was like a tank top and the bottom half of the sleeve was long and the dress it was flowing down to my knees. I smiled at it and slipped it on. I lip singed into my bathroom and started to mess with my hair. I decided on french braiding in down to my skull and then but what was left in a bun. I applied simple dark makeup and was happy with the result.

"Where you wanna go? How much you wanna risk?" I sang along, and the music got louder and I heard Ash start singing along.

"She said, where d'you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? I'm not looking for somebody With some superhuman gifts Some superhero Some fairytale bliss Just something I can turn to, Somebody I can miss!" Ash sang, I walked back into my bedroom and danced with ash. I grabbed my open toe short black high heel boots out of the closet and slipped them on. I hummed the song as I zipped up the shoes. I stood up and took ash's hand and danced.

"I said where you wanna go how much you wanna risk? I'm not looking for somebody with some superhero gifts-" I was cut off as the song turned off. I looked back at the radio and Spike was there turning it down more and more.

"What the-" I looked down at Ash and back at Spike," H-E double hockey sticks!"

"That song is as annoying as crap and some of have to sleep. Why you so dressed up anyway?" Spike complained.

"I have a date," I smirked.

"Did you check in with Billy?"

I threw a pillow at him.

"Unlike some people-" I let out a fake cough," spike, dad trust me,"

"Yeah sure, get him in here," Spike laughed.

"DAD!" Spike yelled.

I heard footsteps come down the hall and my door opened.

"Dad, can I go out with Ethan tonight?" I asked overly sweetly.

"Be home before curfew, you and  kethan have a good time,"

I turned out the door and I threw a pillow at his head.

"It's Ethan dad! Thanks!" I yelled after him. I rolled my eyes over to Spike who was glaring at me. I smiled and turned back on the radio.

I grabbed ash under the arms and lifted him up. The chorus started to come along.

"Sing it with with me Ash!"

He giggled and we started to sing and I put ash down.

"I said where you wanna go how much you wanna risk-" a new voice started to sing along. An arm snaked around my waist and it fit like a puzzle piece around me and I instantly knew it was Ethan. He whispered the song lyrics in my ear and I laughed. He picked me up around the waist and I laughed. Ash poked spikes in the belly.

"Come on Spike loosen up!" he squealed, spike let out a sigh and picked up ash and swung him back and forth and sang along with the rest of us.


We arrived at our spot on the beach a half an hour later after are small dance party. Ethan spread a blanket over the sand. I pulled off my shoes and set them on a corner of the blanket. Ethan sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks for this," I murmured.

"You seemed stressed after your session with Linda today and-" he left the words hanging in the air.

"Come here," he moved behind me and started to rub my shoulders.

"Wanna tell me what happens? Do trust me enough?" he asked.

I nodded my head and let out a sigh.

"I was back at my old house, the night after the fire.-"

"Wait for the hell is this?" he asked brushing his fingers on my back. I turned my head and saw that he was touching my scars. I turned and looked at him.

"I'm gonna tell you something, and you're gonna think I'm crazy. And I hope after you'll stay here and not look at me my father did when he found out ok?"

He nodded his head.

"Ok let me start at the beginning, seven years ago,"

I told him about Jack, and the marks on my back and why I take the pills. I showed him the photo of my mother and what I saw at the old house, I told him what I saw today at lindas. When I was finished I took a huge breath.

"My dad doesn't know about the new stuff,' i tapped at the photo." Do you think I'm crazy?''

He pulled me into a hug, and I partly relaxed.

"I think that this thing with your mom is weird, and I don't think you're crazy. I think after your mom died you got sick and you're better now. But I most certainly do not think you're crazy," he caressed the sides of my head and rested his hands on my neck and kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you," I whispered. I curled up in his lap. And we sat there till we had to go.

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