The Baby!

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Ah, Ben, Ben. Guess what?? What? Im pregnet, were having a baby. Im having a baby ben asked, questioned. Well im the one having the baby but you know what I mean. Ok, then lets go out and celbrate Kim. Great idea, just let me go get ready and i'll be ready in fifteen minuets. I go in my room and put on my light blue and white dress a little longer then the knee. Ben are you ready, you take as long as a girl. Im coming derest. We get in the car and drive to Olvin Garden. We enter the resturant, how many? Name please. Dimond. ok, your table will be ready in about an hour. I walk back over to my seat. How long? About an hour. great, good thing we got here early. We finally get a table in the back. As we eat we start thinking of some baby names. Boy names- Carlos, Padrio, Jay, Kile. Now girl names- Amber, Jenessa, Ariana. Oh, Ariana, dont you just love that name Ben. Lovely, I so hope we have a girl. For a boy I like Jay, so cute. The next morining I go to the doctor and ben decides to come with. Kim, you can come back now, your husband can come to. We sit in the back room. So your hear for your anyowal one month baby check up. This time i'll just check how the babys doing, check your blood presure and your heart beat ok, nothing to worrie about. I fell her stomic and put some jelly stuff on it, this just helps with the babys grows. Next I take her heart beat and her blood presure. She walks out of the room and writes some things on the clipboard. What do you think Ben, are the resolts a good thing. Im sure there fine, dont worrie so much. Ya your right, theres nothing to worrie about. The nurse comes in next. Hi kim im your nurse Sara, I will see every moth on tuesdays(haha, me and kathleens inside joke) So the babys are very helthy and... Wait, did you say babys?? Ya, your having twins!! Oh, Ben this is so exciting. Were having to kids! yes, they both are about 2 inches long in the next month or so, they should have hands and feet almost fully developed. Thank you so much Miss Sara. No problem I will see next month, by now. Ben were having to kids, how great is that. Ben arn't you happy? I am it's just that having one baby is great but to is just a lot, but I can make it work no problem. We decide to go home and think about the babys room, the colors, the theam and everthing. Once baby Jay and Arinan are born, (if we have one boy and one girll) that will be one of the best days of my life. First I got married and now going to have not just one baby but two, man dose time go fast.

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