The Baby is coming:)

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Hi Mommy, are you going to have a baby soon. Any day now baby girl. I hope you have a girl, I will teach her all about Frozen. OK. Oh, my water broke. You ok Mommy. No, go get Daddy. Daddy come quick, somethings wrong with Mommy. Clair, what's wrong. The baby's coming now, drive me to the hospital! Ok, I'll call grandma quick and she can come over and watch you, please get in the car Clair. I call up grandma Jane. Jane I'm sorry to bother you right now but my wife is about to have her baby and I was wondering if you could come over to our house and watch Amanda. I would love to, I will be over in ten. I wait a little wile till Jane gets here. Ok sweetie, have fun with Grandma ok. Ok, Daddy. Ken, get in this car now. Coming, thank you. We rush off as fast as we can to the hospital and what do you know we were stuck in traffic. Beep, beep. Honk, honk. We waited in traffic for about fifteen minuets. We rush in to the hospital, Clair wait hear. Some one help me, my wife's about to have a baby and we were stuck in traffic for over fifteen minuets. Well hears a weal chair, wear is she. In the car. OK, bring this out to her and come meet me on floor three. Ok, thanks. I quickly get Clair in her weal chair. How are you, you good. Very tired and I want this baby out. I know, soon enough. We have to head up to the third floor and get you settled. We rid the elevator all the way up to the third floor and find her a room. Please stay calm the doctor will be in with you shortly, do not start pushing please. Ken, when will the doctor be here, I'm in so much pain. It will be ok, just don't push. But I need to, it hearts. Back at the house with Amanda. So Amanda are you happy that Mommy's going to have a baby. Your going to have a new baby sister or brother. I want a sister, her name will be Elsa. If its a boy it will be Olaf. Really. Ya, but I don't want it sleeping in my room. Oh, it will be ok. Are you hungry. Oh ya, chicken nuggets. Ok, it's on the table. How are felling miss Crystal. Get this baby out of me, NOW. It has been about three hours and still nothing. I have been in so much pain. Ken has been with me every step of the way, so it makes it a lot better. I was allowed to eat, only crackers and drink water. I'm very hungry. Push. I start pushing very hard. More, more and more. I'm very tired. Oh, Ken. It's ok, keep pushing. I'm trying. It has now been seven hours since I have been in labor. I have been pushing over four hours. oh, look I see it's head. I start pushing even harder still in a lot of pain. I was so happy when it was over, I held the little baby in my arms like no other. I was so happy looking at my baby, it was a boy. Tommy Jay Crystal born May 14th. He had light blue eyes, light brown hair and Smith baby tan skin. Isn't he perfect Ken. He has your hair color and your eye color. OK, we must take him now to get his shots. Visited hour is till 8:00 tonight. I call up Jane. Jane, the baby was born, you and Amanda can come and visit. Great, see you soon. Amanda, your mommy had her baby. Ya, Elsa was born. No, it was a boy, Tommy. Why, I wanted her to have a girl. Do you want to go to hospital to see him. OK. We drive to the hospital. Third floor. I click the bottom. Visitors. Name. Were hear to see Kim Diamond. OK, come right in. Mommy, Daddy. Hi baby girl. Where the baby. He needed shots, he will be in soon. Hears your baby. Amanda, do you know who I am. Doctor? That's right, I remember when you were born, I delivers you. High five, ya, isn't she sweet. Can I hold him. Carful, sit on the bed. He's cute, I wish it was a girl thew. No, you love him don't you. I guess. Her you go Grandma. He is presouis, he looks just like you Ken. This is sure going to be one bubby ride if Amanda and Tony don't get a long but its true, all brother and sisters fight. I can't wait to take him home and love him like know other. God bless you little one, I love you Tommy.

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