Someone's not happy:)

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Mommy, when are you going to have a baby. Not yet, in about two month OK baby. Ya, is the baby going to sleep outside. No, he or she is going to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's room and then when its about six mouth old, it will sleep in your room, and you will share a room. No, I don't want to. I'm sorry but you don't have a choice, we just don't have enough rooms in the house. I sill vote outside. Amanda, the baby will not sleep outside. Why not, it will like it out there. Amanda that's it, come with me. You will sit in this chair and think about what you did, turn around please, I will get you when its time to get off. She starts stomping her feet and throwing her arms, having another baby is going to be a lot of work. Hi Clair, what happened this time. She asked me were the baby was going to sleep and in the beginning of Course it will live in our room and then when it gets bigger its going to live in her room, there's just not enough rooms in the house. She was not happy about that and she told me she want the baby to sleep outside. I'll go talk to her. Amanda, did you get mad at Mommy. Ya, I don't want to share a room. Well, are you happy about the baby? Ya, I just don't want it in my room. Think about it like this when someone has a toy you want, should they share it with you? No, I just take it. No, Amanda you do not do that. Clair can you come in here please. What's up. Amanda please tell Mommy what you just said. When you want a toy and some one else has it, what do you do. I just take it from them. Amanda baby, that is not how we ask. Yes it is how I act Mommy. Ok play with this Barbie toy. Amanda may I have a turn with the toy please. No, its my toy. I grab the toy out of my daughters hand. Mommy, I want my toy back. No, its mine now. Is this what you do in daycare? no, I play very nice. Ok, then you can go play now. I call up her daycare teacher. Ring, Ring. Hello? Molly. Clair, how may I help you. Well were having a little problem at home with Amanda, she seems to not be wanting to share her toys and if someone has a toy she wants, she just takes in from them rather then asking them, has she done that in daycare? Many once or twice, I tried talking to her about it, I'll see what I can do the next time she comes in, thanks for telling me. No, problem, see you latter. The next morning I wake up to may bed up in the air, Amanda was jumping on the bed. Wake up Mommy, wake up Daddy. Good morning Amanda, your up early. Ah ha, do you know what today is? What? Its my birthday silly. Really, is it? It is. Are you turning four. Yes I am. OK, lets go make breakfast. we head down stars and make special pancakes. Mickey mouse pancakes. I heard Jessie and her mom were coming to your party, that's good. Who else is coming, I ask. Christian, Lilly, Gabriela, Max and jack. Ya, all my friends are coming. OK, pancakes are done, please sit at the table. Look Daddy, I get eat Mickeys face! Wow, did you help Mommy makes thaws. I did, come eat with me. I sit down, grab a pancake and start eating. This is good, you made these. Yes I did. Go get dresses please, your guests should be hear soon. I go in my room and put on my blue and white dress that reminds me of Frozen, I mean it is a frozen party. Mommy I'm ready. You look very pretty and some of your party guest have arrived. Hi Jessie, Hi Christian. We wait a little longer and all the guest and there parents have finally arrived. Since its a frozen party everyone, were going to watch Frozen! we all sit on the floor ready to watch frozen and then mommy brings out the pizza, my favorite. OK everyone, face paint. The face paint guy finally arrived, I got a flower on my hand. After that we got out the blue and white frozen cupcakes. I got Olaf on mine and Jessie had Anna. OK, let's sing. Happy birthday dear Amanda, happy birthday to you! OK everyone presents. I start ripping open all my parents. my first parent was a pair of Elsa light of shoes from Jessie, a pick barbie bike from Mommy and Daddy, a new light up barbie doll, 15 dollars, a Olaf stuff animal and so much more. By everyone, thanks for coning. OK, little one bed time. Did you have a good birthday? baby girl. I did, now its time for me to go to bed. OK, daddy will be in to read you a story. And they all lived happily ever after, sweet dreams.

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