it will all be ok

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The doctors comes out. I have some bad news for you. We did some testing and Ariana only has four more months to live. Pleas don't cry. We did some test her fever went up to 100.5, her organs are failing, and her cough has not gone away. I did give her some medicine that she can take home. Hoping she will still have a change but not very high. If she don't seem to be getting better soon you will have to bring her for farther examination. Hears your little girl now, take good care of her.
We walk back into the elevator. I lean ageist Ben's shoulder and continue to cry. Oh Kim it will be ok she still has a change. But what if she didn't, she could die I can't have that. We head back into the car and drive home.

I pick her up out of the car and put her into bed. Her fever did go down to 99.3. Still high but not as bad. I was hoping she would get better soon. I look at her in her crib sleeping, she was so beautiful. I cry out to God. Please, I can't see her go. You took Ryan and I guess it was his time, I just can't lose her to. Help me to be ok. Night night princess.
I head back into the living room. How are you holding up, he asks. Ok, what are you up to. Oh just looking at some cute pictures of Ariana. Do you remember this day? He shows me a picture of her in the bath tube. I remember it like yesterday. I will tell the story.

Ariana come hear. Look mister ducky is hear. Do you know what that means, bath time. I put her in tub and add some bubbles. She splash around like crazy. She puts some bubbles on her face, it looks like she has a beard. So cute look hear, priceless pic. So you love it don't you. She gives me a little laugh. Awww, I love you don't grow up to fast.

We continue looking at pictures. You remember this time don't you, when she started drawing on the wall, she is one big trouble maker. He she was when she started crawling, when she was in the hospital, her fist play date. We made some grate mentions that will last forever. She will not leave us just yet.

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