The Commercial:)

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Baby girl, get your brother please were going to the park. Tommy was now 2 1/2 years old, I got to like him very much, I make him laugh and smile, he's very cute to. I pick Tommy up out of his playpen and bring him in the living room. Put on your shoes Tommy. Mommy, why won't Tommy put on his shoes? He's little, you have to help him, like this. OK, thank you. Is Daddy coming to? He will meat us after he's done work. Ya, Daddy's coming to. Since we only lived five minuets away from the park and it was a nice, sunny, day out we decide to walk. I want my strawberrie shortcake sunglasses Mommy. OK, you where them or put them in my bag so you don't lose them. OK. We walk out of the house and get the stroller ready so Tommy can ride in it. Come on mom catch up. No, stop! Whats wrong? You have to wait till I come to cross the street. Do you see all of the cars, you can't run on to the road. Sorry. Its OK, next time just try being more carful. Go have fun. Jessie. Hi Amanda want to play? Ya, tag your it. I'll get you. Then run faster. Got you. Nope, this is base. No fair. Run. Got you. OK my turn, run. Catch me if you can. I felt like I was in my own world, no worries or problems, I was just having so much fun with my best friend like I should, I had know idea what it would be like to be a grown up and I didn't plan on finding out for a long time. I wanted to be a kid as long as I could. Got you. Let's play on the swings now. Good idea race ya. I fell arms raped around my waist as I'm rocking Tommy back and forth to try keeping him quit. Hi sunshine. Hi Ken how was work. Not to bad, its better now that I get to see you. Oh, how sweet are you. I see my little girl running over to me. Hi Amanda, she runs and gives me a big hug. Are you have fun with with Mommy and Tommy at the park. I am and guess what my friend Jessie is hear to. Hi Jessie. Hi Mr. Crystal. I wave back to her friend Jessie as she waves back slowly. Jessie its time to go now, say by to your friend please. By Amanda see you at daycare tomorrow. OK, by. Excuse me, are you this little girls parents. We are, this is Amanda. Amanda say hello please. She is so cute and she would just be perfect for are juice box commercial, only if your interested, no pressure or anything. Well Ken, what do you think?? I say we should give a chance I mean this girl seams to like he. I don't know if its such a good idea, fame could go to her head, you know how some of there's other celebrity's turns out. Then let's see what Amanda thinks. OK. Amanda sweetie, this nice lady right hear wants you to be on a juice box commercial, what do you say. I think...

Sorry a little Cliff hanger, what will she say? I guess we will just have to wait for the next chapter sorry.

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