3. Message Man .

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"Hello, you look fairly familiar. Are you the boy across the street, Josh Dun?"

This takes me by surprise. How does she know my name and how does she know where I live?

"Uh, yeah. That's me. Um, how do you exactly know my name though?." 

She gives me a strange look, as if I should already know the answer to my question. As far as I know, our mothers aren't friends. Me and Tyler weren't really friends either. I mean, I wish. I don't know at this point, i'm just confused on how she knows who I am.

She gives me a sad look, a look that gives me the answer right away. 

"Tyler talked about you a few times. He told me one day about how you were his partner in class and you guys talked about the trip me and him went on during the school year. It was a good trip, Tyler was happy. He was smiling and laughing, he was in his happy place and I will never forget the look in his eyes. He was in pure happiness.  Joshua, why don't you come inside? It's fairly early and a bit cold. Please, make yourself comfortable."

She gave me a smile and pointed to the living room. I looked around as I walked in. In the living room there were family pictures of just Tyler and his Mother. I thought to myself what had happened to Tyler's father. I peered into the kitchen and down the hall. In the kitchen I could see cards of people wishing Tyler's mom happiness during this time. I could also see orange medication bottles on the counter, with what I could imagine is Tyler's medication for whatever he needs them for. Depression being my first though. Sitting on the couch I could see down the hall into a bedroom, which I assume is Tyler's. I could see a poster or two, a piano, and a few notebooks. But what bothered me most was the hole in the wall on the side of his bed.

"Josh? Josh are you okay?." 

I look up from my obvious staring, and look back up to his mother.

"Sorry, I uh. Just early in the morning I guess." She gave me a smile, and asked what I had come by for. "I have a couple questions, about uh. Tyler." 

Her face drops, but she gives me a nod telling me to ask away. 

"When Tyler, disappeared, did anything seem out of place? Like did anything seem different, other than him being gone. Were things misplaced or out of their usual spot?." 

She proceeds to tell me how during the night she heard him moving around but had thought nothing of him missing later on. I had also found out about the orange bottles in the kitchen. Tyler had medication for depression, anxiety, and insomnia. I immediately worry. Either he had taken his medication with him, or he had none left. Neither thought seems right. She tells me about how she hasn't seen anything different, but offers me the chance to go to his room. 

She sits in the living room and I make my way down the hall. I open Tyler's bedroom door to see so many different things. I see paint and canvases on the floor, a ukulele, a keyboard, more notebooks, pens and pencils, and clothes. I check everywhere in his room to find something suspicious. But I can't find a single thing. As I get ready to give up on this whole idea, I notice that the notebooks are scattered across the floor a certain way, almost too suspicious. I start flipping through them all, seeing different words, perhaps poems. I find nothing once again, until I find a notebook with No Phun Intended written on the front. Something inside of the notebook is holding a page in place, for someone or something. As I flip through the pages I notice the words, which are lyrics to songs, getting shorter and shorter. I wonder if he had lost any ideas for songs. I come across the that had something inside of it. A rubber band. The page had a song with the title "Save"  written across the top.  

He had drawn a picture of a "PIANO FOR SALE" sign, and underneath this picture was lyrics to the song;

"I won't take much of Your time..."

"Just enough, for You to save me."

A this very moment, I knew I had to save him. I really, truly needed to save this boy.  

Hear Me, Josh (Joshler) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now